A Simple Introduction

As I woke up the next day to get ready for school, I thought about yesterday's events. I just couldn't understand why it bothered me so much. It was just a friendly gesture and that's all. When the bus arrived, I quickly put in my headphones and blasted Billie Eilish to avoid any other misinterpreted forms of communication on the way to school.

Once we arrived, the first ones to greet me were Jesse and Lucas. "Where's Alice?" I asked. " She wanted to get an early start so she left earlier to review for a test", Jesse replied. This was definitely news to me being that Alice is one of those people who likes to procrastinate and do everything last minute, so clearly something's been bothering her. I hope everything's OK.

On our way to class, our first stop was Lucas's classroom so we dropped him off and Jesse walked me to my class. "Alice might be staying a little later after school as well so it will probably be me, you, and Lucas for a little", Jesse said. I gave him a subtle but sturn eyeroll to confirm that I was a little annoyed by this news. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with something like this, but Lucas has been so stand offish lately and it's really bothering me. I just don't understand what his problem is with me. "What's wrong?", Jessie asked. "Nothing", I replied. We ended up going our separate ways and headed to class. As I walk into my sociology class, I started heading towards my seat in the back just to find that it's been preoccupied. Creeping closer to the back of the room, I see a familiar face. The same familiar face that had given me the sweet gesture that made me rethink life as a whole. Lo and behold it was that Adrian guy from next door. Now usually, I wouldn't have a problem with this but I was already a little frustrated at the fact that I had to spend an extra couple hours with Lucas and Jesse after school today so I was not having it. I looked at him and glared. We then locked eyes and he gave a small smirk. Maybe I was wrong about his friendly gesture after all. There was another seat towards the door in the back of the classroom so I decided to sit there instead. Still frustrated I began pulling out my notebook and started writing the notes on the board. While writing the notes, I felt what seemed like little eyes watching me. I looked over at what used to be my seat just to see Adrian staring. Not smiling, not even smirking, just staring. Who does this guy think he is? I started to stare back with a malicious glare behind my true intention. We then locked eyes again and he looked away and started writing in what looked like a sketchbook. My 1st thought was who writes notes in this sketch book but by the way he moved his pencil it insinuated that he was drawing something. About a good 30 minutes go by of the continuous staring and drawing. He then tears off a piece of the sketch book paper. Then he took his sketchbook and placed it in his backpack. I thought this behavior was kind of weird only because of the way he looked over in my direction after putting it in his backpack but then again I might just be over thinking things.

When the bell rang, I grabbed my notebook slipped it back into my backpack and started walking towards the door. Right before I walk out a hand grabbed mine. I immediately turned around to see that Adrian was pulling me to the left side of the room. I didn't understand why this was happening or why he grabbed my hand in the 1st place. Panicked and freaked out I asked, "dude what's your problem" while pulling my hand away. He then replied with, "You've got a little something on the back of your pants". My face turned red and my breathing became heavy. I found it hard to keep my balance. Now receiving this news knowing that it was shark week was definitely a shocker. I snatched my hand away from him and sped to the girl's restroom. When I got in there the 1st thing I did was throw my backpack down on the floor and checked to see if there was really anything there. It was nothing but a little piece of paper that poked out of my back pocket. I grabbed it and read it. "Cute sweater, call me or come by but if you feel shy, you can always watch from you mailbox lol xoxo friendly neighborhood lover boy". There was a number on the back. I was infuriated. First, he takes my seat and then has the audacity to joke around about something so embarrassing. This guy was definitely in for a rude awakening. I snatched my backpack off the floor. On my way home from school with the boys all I could do was think about our little encounter. It made me so angry especially being that I thought that someone with such a gentle smile could be so malicious. So much for a simple introduction.