Chapter 15. It was already over


There was a lot to think about in this particular case, but Rin's case was different, I only had one single thought in my head..., 'go get her'. I wasn't sure where my heart was now lying given this odd situation Natasha had brought forth. I had to get Rin out of the police's hands first before everything else. Every second i thought about this, it occurred to me that Rajesh was around and I didn't know what to tell him so I wouldn't look bad, but it wasn't his case to worry about anyway, It was mine and I had to deal with it properly, like a man. This was confusion in action. "We need to get her out, it was self-defense wasn't it" I said, when everyone else was busy worrying about me and my injuries. The expression on Natasha's face depicted gloom, sadness, yet this had been a moment she was starting to entertain thoughts of hope, and here I was mentioning Rin, who technically was the other lady in this case. I would deal with that later but one thing for sure, my relationship with Natasha had ended the moment the black rose bloomed. I wouldn't say they were her true colors really but it was something I had never known about her.

"Brother, she handed herself in for unlawful possession of firearms not murder, if anything she as an accessory to the fulfillment of justice, I suggest we don't interfere until we hear if bail's needed and how the court decides to handle the case" said Rajesh, however, he was starting to get suspicious of my talking and Natasha's continuous crying. "I need to talk to her then" I stubbornly protested, Rajesh stared with concern. His look was quizzical enough to provoke me to answer the questions that he hadn't asked. "I'm sorry Rajesh but all your questions—to sum things up, it was already over between Natasha and me the moment I got here". I said, that sent a wave of silence throughout the room. It was broken by one single sob by Natasha who had been trying to remain composed but couldn't in the end. She stood from the bed and paced her way out of the room, I didn't feel like stopping her, it most certainly wasn't time for her dramatic stunts.

"Merlin!" Rajesh complained. "You know nothing bro, she broke my heart, look at me" I demanded, "Is this the look of a happy man?" I said, but rather he seemed disappointed in me and also rushed out and went after Natasha. It was predictable, being a doctor too, though a failure one, I knew Rajesh wouldn't let me leave the hospital alone especially with him and Natasha there, but I meant everything I had said about Natasha, I would be crazy to actually fall for her again. I walked out of the room, limped my way out before either Rajesh or Natasha returned to reprimand me. My destination was the police station, obviously since it hadn't even been half a day that's where I'd find Rin.


"She came back to you—you shouldn't be here" Rin said looking quite short of emotion. She looked away though her body couldn't help but keep fidgeting. She did have the desire to look at me but couldn't because I would return to Natasha after this. I shook my head and placed my arm over the table to get hers; I squeezed it within both of mine. She raised her face and gazed at me with watery eyes biting her lower lip to look strong. "I tried to let you go, but I could not" she said with a shaky sobbing voice. I nodded, "I know". "I'll get you out soon" I said, she tried to bring out an obviously fake smile, it stopped halfway.

"I will not go back to Natasha, I—I love you too Rin" I said, I wasn't sure if I was really supposed to say those words but they cheered her up, I guessed that would be enough at that moment. I don't want to lose you" she said hesitantly. Clearly her mind was invaded by the thought that I would eventually return to Natasha especially considering that she had my child. That was one stupid thing to have hidden from me for three whole years. I saw the possibility of me returning to her thinning but that would also mean Rajesh and Priya wherever she was would have to pick sides. I wouldn't be surprised if they picked hers, she seemed to be the grieving one here and the eyes tend to believe what they see.

In the end the police had to drag me out as the station was busy and all what did I know about police business. I dragged my sore self-back to my house, the police were done with all their investigations and the crime scene shit. The killer had made their work a lot easier by handing herself in. I walked inside tired and hurting from the bleeding bullet wound. I needed to have the bandage changed but no one would be at home and with Rin unavailable, I'd have to try and do it myself. I dropped myself onto the couch and breathed a long sigh. Five minutes didn't go by before I heard a knock on my door. I dragged myself to the door and pulled it open. "Natasha" it was. She was with Rajesh and somehow they had convinced each other that I would go soft if they brought Natasha's daughter. I looked up to Natasha, clearly this wasn't her idea her face refused being part of it, however Rajesh was beaming.

"Raj, what's the meaning of this?" I asked softly so not to startle the child. "Daddy!" the kid said, I could feel my heart skipping a beat from within my chest, I looked down at her. "Are you my daddy?" she asked again. I couldn't control my emotions; they all came out at once, tears and the loud cry of a heartbroken man and a disappointment of a father. I slid down to my knees and took her in my arms. "Yeah, you are my little girl" I said, there was no doubt about it. Natasha's phone suddenly rang as I was emotionally immersed in the moment with my daughter whom I hadn't even known till this awkward moment here. Whatever or whoever it was behind Natasha's call; she dropped the phone with a terrified expression on her face. "I need to go away from here before they come for me" she cried, "but I can't leave my daughter"