Jiggle wiggle

Jin Lei was watching a little blonde with a familiar voice.

'Where had he heard her?' That was the question he thought about the whole meeting.

She was a nice, small blonde with icy silver eyes and a delicate figure. Especially her boobs. He was trying not to stare, but the white shirt she was wearing was especially tight around her chest area and his thoughts were simply if that little button could hold till the end of the meeting.

"So, what would you like? Any design in mind?" she asked, and he forced himself to look at her face.

Oh, nice lips. They look soft, kissable. Lei gave himself a mental slap and looked behind her. Better to look through her or he would reveal something embarrassing soon.

He wiggled a bit, then he focused on the flow of the conversation. What the heck was wrong with him? This has never happened before.

"Well, these guys are in their late teens, early twenties, so something flashy. And there are two conditions. There has to be something red and dragon." Lili frowned a bit.

'What?' he thought. They were red dragons. Nothing surprising about that.

"Ehm, okay. Can you give me a minute?" Lei nodded, and she took a sketchbook out of her backpack. And started sketching.

Lei watched her face, her small hands, and was mesmerized. That never happened to him. Always, when he was with business partners, he was tactful. He never ogled them. Never.

And he never liked foreign women. They were too different. But this girl had weirdly slanted eyes with, well, probably it was silver-gray because her color was changing with the light. So interesting.

She was erasing something she drew, and her boobs attracted his attention with the jiggle. He blinked once, twice, then averted his eyes and met the stare of the other girl whose name he had already forgotten. And forgot even that she was there.

She caught him staring at Lili's boobs. His ears had to be crimson red from how embarrassed he was. Lili lifted her head.

"You are a gaming team, right?" she asked and when he nodded, she continued drawing. How did she know? They couldn't pass the PC room, that's in the other house. Maybe she knew the logo? He was staring at her again. Lei had a problem. A big problem. He didn't know where to put his eyes. He was in so much trouble.

Lili finally finished with a dazzling smile. She aimed that smile at him and he was in hell.

"Let me see." He couldn't do anything, then take the sketchbook and blankly stare at the drawings.

"It's just a quick sketch." She said and blushed. That was adorable. He looked at her face properly.

Lili looked tired. He saw slight dark circles and puffy eyes. Lei suddenly remembered Blacklily and didn't know why, but she should arrive there today. Maybe she was even here already. In Hong Kong. He squinted his eyes.

That bracelet she drew was a bracelet-ring cuff. Leather bracelet and surgical steel ring connected by a steel dragon with red eyes. And according to the description, the dragon was from seven parts able to move with a hand. Leather had a closing on the side of the hand and the ring was not on the palm side because it was only a cuff ring, designed for the left hand.

"You thought of gaming problems? Mobility and obstruction?" He was impressed. This bracelet could be worn even when playing. Maybe he was right to listen to Chao and choose her.

"Mmm," she blushed again.

"Oh. I'm really satisfied with this design. You thought of a lot, never mind the price, just deliver it by July. I need to go now." He stood up and gave back her sketchbook. She stood up too, smiled, and they bowed.

When Lei was straightening up, he felt a slight blow into his belly. He tripped while backing and ended up falling into a chair. He looked down and saw a blond head that fell face-first into his crotch.

Lei felt something moving. He was so embarrassed he didn't know what to do. He looked over at Lucy, whose mouth was hung open, and at the same time he noticed Yitian and Chao looking from behind the corner. His ears were bright red... and face... and his entire body... He was red all over.