Run away

Lucy kicked her under the table and stood up. Lili did the same. But she felt like in a dream. She was always attracted to good-looking men, but he could be a model if he wanted. When he entered the room, all of them bowed slightly.

"Hello," he said in a familiar voice. Where the heck did she hear that voice?

"Ehm, hello. I'm Lili Park, from LilianArt. Nice to meet you." They both bowed heads, and he looked at Lucy. She introduced herself in Cantonese.

"I'm Jin Lei from Zhu Long, The Vermillion Dragon. Pleased to meet you." After the initial introduction, which was so familiar to Lili, and yet she didn't know why; they all sat. Jin Lei sat at the head of the table, Lili on his left side and Lucy on his right side.

"I saw your designs and we would like you to do bracelets for us, eleven of them." Lili was a bit surprised. That much?

"So, you saw my profile on Instagram? Then you know that I'm more like a custom-making jeweler. I do mostly one or two pieces of one design." Lili needed to state this. Because eleven was a lot.

"Yes, I know. You will have enough time and there is no problem with money. It will be a gift for the team if they win the championship in July," he said, beaming with confidence.

Lili was a bit taken aback when she looked into his deep black eyes. She said nothing, just looked, and nodded. Inside her head, she was counting months. If it's not some complicated design, she can make it.

Lucy looked at the two of them. She knew that she was only an escort here, so Lili wouldn't be afraid. But still. Never in her life. She saw Lili look at a guy like this and never she had felt so much like a third wheel.

Somehow, even when they met for the first time, they looked mesmerized by each other.

'Interesting…' she thought. This would be interesting.

After the discussion, and to Lucy's surprise that Lili started immediately drawing, she gave her sketchbook to Jin Lei. Lucy curiously stated at Lili watching their exchange.

"Oh. I'm really satisfied with this design. You thought of a lot, never mind the price, just deliver it by July. I need to go now." He stood up and gave back her sketchbook. She stood up too, smiled, and they bowed.

She knew it wasn't a good idea to bow when her sight blurred and her body became limp. She just knew she was falling face front down.

Lili's head bumped into something warm and then fell even more down, landing on a silky and stiff thing. She was trying to get up, but her body wasn't listening to her. She just sluggishly lay, fighting the hazy fog in her mind.

That thing under her wiggled and her face felt something stiffen up. Lili did not know how long she lay there, but soon she regained full control over her body.

She moved her head to the side and noticed her head was resting on Jin Lei's lap.

'How embarrassing,' she thought and quickly stood up, but her head bumped into something again. Something hard. She backed up and held the back of her head. Jin Lei was looking at her, his face crimson red, holding his chin.

'Oh, the second time, I bumped into that.' Lili felt blood rushing to her head. Such a cringe-worthy, humiliating moment. She fell face-first to a stranger's crotch.

'Well, but I have to say that he is well endowed.' Lili gave herself a mental slap for remembering his stiffening pants.

"I'm so, so sorry. It's jet lag. I arrived not even two hours ago, and I only had time to shower, nothing else. I rushed here. And it's normally my time to sleep and I'm sorry." She couldn't help it, but she talked a lot when embarrassed.

Lili was afraid to look at Jin Lei, so she gazed around just to see Lucy with her mouth open and two strangers looking from behind a corner with stunned faces. She reddened even more.

"I'm sorry. We will be going." She finally looked at Lei and saw something she will never forget.

Lei's mouth, which was normally really pretty, but tightened into a straight line, just slightly curved up. Then his lips opened and the corners of his mouth continued to rise.

That smile was so charming and so irresistible. It even reached his eyes, which began to sparkle with amusement. Lili blushed, charmed by his smile, and Lei laughed out loud. It was a deep sensual laugh that tingled all her nerves. She was doomed.

"I will come back later to take measurements. I will communicate through Instagram to set a date and don't worry, I will have a proper sleep before our... our... eh..." She looked helplessly at Lucy.

"Your meeting..." Lucy added and giggled. She knew that Lili had to be embarrassed a lot to stutter like this, so she intervened and said parting words after Jin Lei's nods.

They both said their farewells and fled away. They had to walk down the hill a bit to catch a taxi to drive them to the hotel. While sitting in the calm taxi, Lucy decided to embarrass her friend even more.

"So... was he big?" Lucy asked and laughed so hard she coughed. Lili's look could kill.

'Just wait when you die from exhaustion and do some big ass faux pas,' she thought. How she would strike back at that time.

When they arrived at the hotel, Lili lie on the bed and turned on the game. She sluggishly wrote that she had arrived and sent it to SIG. Then she turned on the automatic forging of an iron ingot and fell asleep.

For the first time, Lili had dreamed about a real-life guy and his lap. But in her dreams, she did not run away, but they continued. No need to say she woke up sweating and flushed.

'This was the most embarrassing moment and dream. Just kill me, someone…' she whined to herself in the morning.