
Lili woke up. And two things were weird. First, she was hugging someone, and because Levi, her dakimakura, wasn't so hot, she was certain it wasn't him.

And second, she wasn't in the hotel. Because when she opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar room with a double bed and honey skin underneath her cheek.

Lili sluggishly moved her hands, but one was heavy. She looked up and saw Lei's head resting on her arm.

'Mmm, pleasant position,' she laughed inside. She was hugging him exactly like her hugging pillow. They both reeked of alcohol.

'Oh, so they have drunken themselves into this state?' Her mind was hazy and she couldn't remember much from yesterday.

He was fully clothed, and she had panties and a big shirt on. So she was certain that nothing happened between them.

Lili was quiet and needed a few moments to fully wake up. Then she carefully untangled them one limb after limb. When she lifted her head, she cursed.

His body was amazing. He was nicely shaped. And these shoulders… she looked more and… wow… her little naughty side showed yesterday.

She was really into his neck. So, she... poor Lei… she bit him. And made him hickey while at it. She was sure his trapezius was yummy.

Lili stood up from the bed and looked for her clothes, but without success, she only found her phone. But the t-shirt she had on was long enough to cover her till mid-thigh, so she went to look for them like this and if she met someone, she would treat it as a dress. Hell, even if she was only in undergarments, she could say it was a bikini.

She looked at the phone. It was out of juice, and the display was reflecting her face and neck. With one big red spot. Oh, so they a hickey to each other.

Lili quietly opened the door and became quiet even more when she heard rustling on the bed.

"Where are you going?" She cursed, hearing his voice.

"So, you are awake, huh," she whispered, leaving the door open and going to stand beside the bed. Oh, god, he was so handsome with ruffled hair, his eyes still clouded with sleep and a slight smile.

"I woke up when you moved your hand from underneath my head," he said.

"Okay, sorry. I tried to be gentle." Lili smiled, meaning it.

"Why do I recall saying something similar yesterday?" Lei looked at her from head to toe with narrow eyes.

"I will take responsibility. Don't worry," he continued, and smiled at her. Lili just stared at him, speechless.

"God… responsibility for what?" she asked, stunned, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"For what I did to you…" Lili was wondering if he was simply crazy or for real such an overly responsible person. Probably the latter…

"Stop. Stop for a moment. What we did yesterday was simply having fun. Nothing serious." She laughed out loud and Lei looked shocked.

"But what if something comes out of it?" He was thinking hard because he had a crease between his brows.

"Why do I have a feeling that we are talking about totally different things? What can come out of a night of drinking? A hangover is the only thing I have," she said, smiling. They were definitely talking about two different things. Lei looked puzzled.

"I meant the night we spent together," he said, and finally flashed her a smile.

"Oh, hold your horses, Casanova. Nothing more than a few bites happened between us. I'm pretty sure of it." Lili laughed out loud. She laughed so much that she even cried.

"You were so funny. Lol, you were all about responsibility. I'm interested in how you wanted to take responsibility. Oh, my god, even if something happened it would be with the consent of both of us. So why get overly excited?" Lili laughed at Lei's confused face.

Someone knocked at the door. They both looked over and saw Chao with a stack of clothes.

"So, I get it that this is your room?" she asked Lei, and he shook his head.

"This is a guest room downstairs, my room is upstairs, so I guess we couldn't even walk the stairs," he said and held his head, which was throbbing.

"Sure, you couldn't even open the door. Oh, you were so funny. Hugging each other, one singing drunk songs and spraying water on each other," Chao said, and chuckled at their expressions.

"When we wanted to separate you two, you yelled and started to sing songs about some drunk Scottish guy. And Lili looked for a blue ribbon. So, we helped you change and left you in here and went to sleep. But I see you had some fun, huh? Is that a hickey?" He gestured towards both of them after explaining their last night.

"I just fell," they both shouted simultaneously, and Chao laughed.

"Sure, at each other's mouths, right?" He laughed, gave them their clothes, and went away.

"Well, that sure was awkward." Lili laughed, took her clothes, and asked for a toilet when she was shown. She went in and changed.

Why were her days so much fun lately? Thinking about that, she refreshed herself in the bathroom.

"Can you put something on? This… is pretty distracting." Lili came back to the room and pointed to his naked chest.

"At least you still had pants on. Wait a minute…" Lili stopped. "Who the heck took off my clothes?" Lei looked at her cleaned fresh clothes.

"My guess is Yitian," he said, and Lili was shocked. It was okay if Lei saw her naked. After all, they shared some attraction. But Yitian? Ugh. That thought was not simply pleasing. Lei's phone rang.

"Do you mind if I answer it? It's business," he said after seeing the caller's ID.

"Never mind me," she nodded and made a few steps away to give him at least some privacy.

Even though they were speaking Chinese. She seized this opportunity to walk around the room. There were some books, but everything was in Chinese, so she did not understand what they were about. Lei finished the call and walked over.

"Know them?" he gestured towards the manga. Lili nodded and said that she loves them.

"Oh, one thing. Can you lend me a charger for a while? My phone is totally out of juice," she asked.

"Sure. Just tell me the type you have." Lili answered him and he walked away. He was handed it over.

"When you wait for it to charge, I need to do some work after breakfast. Do you want to play with the team? They are supposed to be training now," he asked her, smiling at her. Trying to keep her longer with him.

"Oh, well, sure." Lili nodded, and they went upstairs for breakfast. When they left the guest room, she was immediately the center of attention, because she was in the game room. They had to pass everyone to take the stairs up. There over the balcony railing, she could see down on everyone, and up she could see the sky.

She played some dungeons with them after she finished her breakfast. They said they have resources' day, which was supposed to mean that they were not PKing but cleaning quests and dungeons to get materials for weapons and armors.

"Hey, Lili. Tell us how you made a secret-level weapon. We are all curious," Chao blurted when she was forging raw materials into ingots.

"It was pure luck. The last step is always pure luck. And I noticed that they base all the recipes in the game on real baking recipes. The higher the level in the game, the higher the level in baking. Something you combine beforehand, something you add after or during the making." She shrugged when she saw the gazes. They looked at her like some freak.

"That makes sense. I doubt that creators would make everything up. They must have had some inspiration. Now with so many games, books, and everything. It's hard to be original." Lei was heading toward her with a big smile.

"I'm bringing over your phone." He handed it over when he was so close to her she could lay her head on his chest.

"Thank you. I'm seriously suspecting that Lucy will want your balls. She is supportive of you but quite protective of me," she said when she saw so many missed calls from her best friend. Lei had a horrid expression on his face.

"Wait, she supports me in what?" he asked. Lili smiled, sure she would share.

"Your actions. She said my love life is sadder than a monk's and I need to get laid with a 'handsome hunk' like you." She laughed out and heard chuckles from others.

"Wait, when dad is going to find out that you slept with someone. He is going to go ballistic, like Lucy," Chao said, and Lei turned to him with a piercing gaze.

"Never, ever say it. She wouldn't handle him. Or… no… he wouldn't handle her. Wait a minute, he would probably love her. No, no… she is different. But he likes weird things," Lei was muttering, and Lili looked from behind him at Chao.

"See… I've leveled up to a weird thing now. Such an honor," she said and walked a bit to the side to call Lucy. When she finished, she said that she needed to go. It was fun to play with them, but she was there to sightsee. They were supposed to visit Lantau Island today, Buddha's statue and nature, yeah.

"I'm sure. I will send you back," Lei said, but his phone rang. He cursed when he looked at the ID and killed Chao with his gaze.

"These are the sponsors. You are going to do the ad, and I don't want to hear another word. Come with me." Lei scolded Chao. He looked at Lili and took her hand in his.

"I'm sorry. This is very important. Yitian will take you back," he said to her softly, without previous sternness, and smiled at her gently. She nodded.

"No problem. You need to feed these babies." She smiled when the team clicked their tongues at her. She tiptoed and gave him a brief kiss on the cheeks. Then she walked away with Yitian. The two of them walked down to the gate and out of it.

"Let's wait here for a bit. The cab will be here soon," Yitian said, but Lili just nodded.

She focused on the girl standing on the corner. She looked weird. No prejudices, but she looked a bit crazy. She had dark circles under her eyes and her gaze pierced her body like icicles.

Yitian was back to that girl and was saying something. But Lili got anxious when that girl walked over to them. She was still observing her actions, being cautious. When the girl scooped something from her bag.

"You, bitch. He is mine!" the girl shouted and ran the remaining distance with something in her hand. And Lili had no time to react. She could only do one thing, shield Yitian.