Tiny and vulnerable

"I can't believe you were right," Lei said, stunned.

Lili was so groggy. She had to endure an hour of the doctor sewing her arm. She got ten stitches, four inside and five outside. Thrilling.

And because anesthetics never worked much for her, now she felt a throbbing pain through her arm. And HE was surprised by her being right.

"Mmm. I've studied it a bit," she answered.

"What medicine?" he asked, surprised, and ironic. But she nodded while he led her out of the hospital. When they were out of the door, she saw Lucy rushing to her.

'Ugh, another pain in the ass,' Lili thought and leaned on Lei because she was getting tired. He hugged her carefully and waited until Lucy ran to them.

Lucy halted when she saw Lili leaning on Lei, obviously tired. Lili's arm was in an arm-shoulder brace, her clothes had a sleeve cut off and she had a white patch covering almost half of her arm.

"I won't pester you, even though you would deserve it for not being careful enough. Just one thing… Hotel or his bed again?" Lucy laughed and Lili jerked.

"She can come with me. I can take care of her. You can't take proper care of her in the hotel," Lei said, smiling. His impression of Lucy just rose. Instead of yelling and making a scene, she made them laugh, but still showed her concern.

"Your friend is delightful," Lei whispered and smiled at Lili. But he said that too early.

Lucy made a few steps toward him and grabbed his collar before he had a chance to do something.

"If this was your fault, I'll cut off your balls and feed you with them," Lucy said threateningly to Lei's face, then smiled sweetly and let him go. He was impressed.

"Let him be. It was my fault I wasn't fast enough. And he wasn't even there," Lili said in a tiny voice.

"Why wasn't he there? He is supposed to protect you. You are his guest." Lucy raised an important question, making Lei feel bad.

But Lili didn't care. She was so tired. The adrenaline rush she had, had drained all of her energy, then she had to endure suturing and the funny exchange with the doctor, who tried to speak English to her. She appreciated it, but when he said 'you no bat tree days', she had problems not laughing.

"I don't care. Any bed is good." Lili hoped that she hadn't wounded his pride, but let's say she didn't care enough now. And the painkillers were obviously finally kicking in. She felt like sleeping here on the pavement.

"I have a car here. I will take you wherever and kick you out." Lucy said and led the way. Lili leaned on Lei again and was thrilled when he carefully hugged her.

"Come to my house. I will take care of you," he whispered in her ear, and Lili got goosebumps. She just nodded. He sat with her in Lucy's car in the back seats and his warm body and the quiet whisper of his stories made her fall asleep. She was in a place where she felt she belonged.


Lei stared at the sleeping Lili in his embrace. He couldn't help but say sorry. And Lucy heard that.

"You should be sorry. I don't know how it happened, but my threat was real. And I will add one more. Don't ever hurt her. Lili doesn't react normally to emotional pain. She won't cry. She will shut herself in and not talk to anyone, not eat or drink. I saw her like that once. And I never want to see it again. I do not know if you two are meant by fate. But remember. She has to leave here in a few days. Can you both take it? Can you hold on to a long-distance relationship? Or do you take it as a few weeks of flirting?" Lucy said and checked him out in the rear-view mirror.

"I have no idea, I… never felt this. I just think she is outstanding," he said after a while. He honestly didn't know.

But the thought of Lili leaving his side wasn't pleasant. He got used to her in these few days. She was pleasant to be with. She understood his world and was useful to him. He had a lot to think about.

"Take her with you. She probably has a crush on you. But I hope she doesn't like you. If you are not prepared." Lei scooped Lili into his arms. She looked so tiny and vulnerable. Crush on him. He could say he had a crush on her, too. But like?

Lei took her to the upper guest room, his room, and laid her on a bed, took her sneakers off, and covered her. He stood there a few minutes, thinking and looking at her. Then he took off his shoes and jacket and laid down beside her, where his place was.