Revenge is sweet

"Evade!" Chao shouted and Lili reacted with others on his command. But none of them were fast enough and were killed. Defeat. Again.

"I'm patient, but our guild stats look worse and worse. Can't you control it, you both?" Lei was sitting beside Lili and was managing the guild. They were trying to help Hongjie and Chao to understand their weapons by trying new strategies.

But all of them failed, and they were killed by them. So, usually, the opposite teams won. Which made their clean stats look like shit.

Another thing was Lili's character. It was so weak. Painfully weak. But she had almost no money to buy better armor. And she did not want to bother Yitian or Wuchen. They could forge her one. At least, better than these gold things she had on right now.

"Let's go again. Now, I will go first. Hongjie is right behind me, covered by Yitian." Chao was completely different when playing the Secret of Legends. He was fierce, authoritative, and creative. His strategies were so bizarre that he confused even his team sometimes. For example now, a healer in the second row? Poor Hongjie looked scared.

"Yinli and Yuhuai in the back. Others collect materials." Everyone nodded. Lili couldn't help but salute.

"Wow!" Yixing shouted out loud. Everyone winced.

"Yixing, you jerk. Don't shout." Chao screamed back at him and continued a vicious fight. They were losing badly again.

"What's going on?" Lili asked and Yixing looked surprised.

"Oh, I forgot what happened." He paused and looked like he was thinking about it. Then he glanced back at the screen and screamed once again.

"Holy cow!" Chao looked at Yixing, looking like he wanted to kill him. And defeat popped up once again on his screen.

"Boss, this is the pic. I will send it to you." Lei nodded and continued to bargain epic prices for materials. She did not know what they were planning to do with all of it, but it was probably whole new armors and accessories for the whole team.

"Huobai, change with Yuhuai. Let's try this one again. Hongjie, you know now what to do, right?" Hongjie did not look like he knew at all, but still nodded.

Lili was on a quest for more of the Tears of Phoenix. She was told that she knew what to do, so she needed to collect a lot. So, her only work was running back and forth. Thank god this quest was limited to five times per day or they would enslave her to run it again and again.

"I'm up to the limit," Lili said, and stretched her arms up. Moved her neck a bit and then tried to peek over Lei's screen at what he was doing but he had a quick reaction and covered her eyes.

"Don't look, it's a surprise." Huh? Are you kidding me? Lili thought and sat back.

"Lili, send tears to the guild warehouse and change seats with Shanshan. Take his character to do the same quest." Chao said. Lili did what he said but wanted to kill him. He was torturing her for sure. Nothing is more boring than doing the same quest over and over and over again.

"What did I do to him to get a punishment like this?" She tilted her head to the side where Yuhuai was. He covered her eyes, too. That was the moment when she became suspicious. They never touched her. They were too afraid of Lei. But he said nothing at all.

"You were too nosy," Yuhuai said, and pushed her back into her chair. But Chao noticed and punished her once more.

"After you are done with Shanshan's character, take Yitian's. He is going to end after this round." Lili just sighed. Why her?

"Hey… I'm not the one killing us all over and over and over..." Chao stared at Yixing, who abruptly stopped talking, unlike his personality. But then Yitian decided to annoy him more and continued.

"Over and over again. You are not in the zone, piglet. You have such an epic weapon, but you can't control it. We should deforge it and use materials for my better gun. We still have the recipe from the Secret chamber. But we are missing Damascus steel and Vampire's blood." Chao stared at him. Lili had a feeling they were secretly communicating. Because they stood up without a word and went out.

"He won't kill him, right?" she asked Huobai, who shook his head. She knew he wouldn't do it, but still, they looked like they were in disagreement over something.

'Vampire's blood... where did she hear it?' she contemplated for a second, then Lili scooped up her phone and went to the European game forum.

"Are European and Asian servers the same?" She asked aloud.

"Yeah," Lei nodded, and she smiled widely. Lili patted her shoulder.

"Then I know where to get the blood material," she said just as Chao and Yitian came back, so they halted immediately when they heard her.

"Where?" Yitian was excited about a new weapon, so he hurriedly asked. Chao was totally the opposite. He was frowning, and it looked like they really argued. Lili frowned, but then decided not to pry where she shouldn't.

"Do you remember that Netherworld boss?" All of them nodded. "He is part of the five guardians of hell. When we defeat him, losing no one, he will open the portal to the Netherworld. It says here that it's a completely unknown part of the map. Underworld comprises nine parts. Same as the seven parts of hell. And in one of the parts, Malebolge, the boss is a Vampire sorcerer," as she read it out loud, she smiled more and more, confusing others.

"What's so funny? There is no chance to get there." Yuhuai asked, totally confused, frowning at her insanity.

"Have you ever learned about Dante Alighieri?" she chuckled, because for the first time ever she was glad to learn something like that in literature.

"Probably, but no idea what you mean," Chao said, cracking up his frowning face. And she smiled even more. Revenge time. She stood up and started walking upstairs while everybody looked at her.

"After you do your homework, call me. I have a break now because I'm smarter." She ran the rest of the stairs and locked herself in the room. Revenge is sweet.