
Lili was woken up by a light knock on the door. She sluggishly looked around. It was dark. She must have fallen asleep while scrolling on the phone.

"Fujan, open. It's me." Lili was confused and still hazy because of the sleep, but she recognized Lei's voice everywhere and anytime.

She did not wonder why she fell asleep, though. Last few days she did not get much sleep at night. The vicious beast who was standing behind the doors had the stamina of a bull.

"Who is 'me'?" she asked, blinked a few times, and got up from the bed. And almost tripped over the coffee table.

"Are you okay, fujan? What was that noise? And you know who I am… it's me…" Lei said, confused about how to explain who he was. She finally got to the doors and opened them. Lei was looking at her for a few minutes, then he scooped her up and carried her back to bed.

"You will be my death," she said in between the kisses. Lei stopped and shook his head.

"It's your fault. You look too tasty," he smirked, and Lili smacked him over his shoulder.

"How long was I asleep?" she asked. Lei sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. Lili had to smile. He was so handsome, even in this limited light provided by the opened door outside.

"Only around four hours. Maybe a bit more. It's evening now." He leaned over her and kissed her once more. Lili was surprised that even after so much sleep, she was still tired. Lei suddenly stopped kissing her neck and stood up.

"I can't believe you distracted me so much I forgot why I am here," he said, shaking his head as if to tidy up his thoughts. Lili laughed. There was at least some good news for her pride and confidence.

"So, why are you here?" she asked after a while when Lei was only staring at her. He was too distracted.

"I can't. You have messy hair, clouded eyes with sleep, swollen lips, and your shirt has opened up a bit. You look so satisfied." He shook his head once more, and Lili laughed again. He was simply too adorable.

"Hurry, tell me." She buttoned up the shirt and ran her hand through the hair. Then she smacked her cheeks two times to wake up a bit.

"Oh, we need you to forge the guns for Yitian. We managed to get the items on the recipe, but none of us is brave enough to open the recipe and try to forge it. What if we mess it up and it disappears…" Lili nodded and tidied herself up a bit more...

They headed downstairs, hand in hand. Only Chao and Yitian were there. They had their heads close together and Chao was whispering something. Lili squinted her eyes. So suspicious.

"We are here," Lei said, and they straightened up. Yitian was a bit red and Chao looked furious.

"You were nagging him again?" Lili asked Chao. She noticed that he was bullying Yitian these days. He was especially strict with him and demanding. And to her surprise, Yitian let him do it. He was still normal, and lively, but when Chao said something, he stopped smiling and frowned. Usually.

"Don't put your nose in our problems," Chao said, and Lili raised an eyebrow. A rebelling child, huh? Let's see the battle.

"These are not only your problems but mine too because I'm fujan. Remember? And everything that happens under this roof is my problem," she said and with satisfaction threw her hair over her shoulder. Chao looked shocked. Well, he was the one to call her like that first, so why couldn't she use it against him? Especially when he looked up the history of that word.

"She got you..." Yitian laughed and stood up.

"Come here. I logged you on to this PC. We already sent you all the materials, and I accepted them instead of you. But I'm not confident enough to try forging it." Lili sat behind the PC he was pointing at.

She opened the recipe and print-screened it. She took her laptop and sent the screenshot to herself on messenger and opened it on the laptop.

Now she could look at the recipe and forge at the same time. The three of them looked at her with shame in their eyes.

"Um, so… you always save all the recipes?" Chao scratched his head while asking this.

"Yup… that way I can forge most of the things even without having the actual recipe." They looked embarrassed. She frowned. They wouldn't… would they?

"You want to say that you never save recipes? You will just let them disappear?" Nobody said a word. And Lili was speechless too.

She thought that everyone did it like her. Not that they were waiting for the recipe to show itself again. No wonder she was such a good weaponsmith. She had a brain.

"Men…" she muttered and started with forging.

It wasn't a simple recipe at all. It had like twenty-five steps and the last five were for the decorations only. Not to say that she had to use Damascus steel and melt it together with silver. This was so unbelievably nonsensical in actual life. They had a different melting points, so she had to melt one, melt the other and then combine them.

After combining, she had to cool them down by dropping them in the vampire's blood. She did not know who made this up, but that person was probably doing drugs at that moment.

It took her probably around 45 minutes to finish it while Chao and Yitian sat on the chairs watching their past matches on their computers and Lei was bringing her water or some snacks and helping her.

She let out an enormous sigh and waited for the finishing dialog to pop up to see what she had finished. Lei showed guys to come here so all three of them were waiting behind her back.

"You are unbelievable…" Yitian was staring at the dialog with an open mouth.

"Well, it's probably the experience. But without the recipe, I wouldn't be able to do it. Or without the materials…" she said, but her watch vibrated, disturbing her.

When she saw Lucy was calling. Lili picked up the call and before she even said hello Lucy started.

"I think I killed him…" she said out loud, and three pairs of eyes focused on Lili.