
"Have you already thought about how to dispose of the body?" Lili asked and Lei looked shocked while Chao and Yitian had to make some effort not to laugh out loud.

"Nah, I'm in Korea again. I have limited possibilities…" Lucy answered, deep in thoughts. But good, Lucy still had her sense of humor, so it probably wasn't that bad.

"Stop!" Lei couldn't hold it anymore and looked at Lili with horror on his face.

"How can you be so casual about killing someone?" he asked, totally shocked, but Lili flashed him just a big smile.

"She can't even punch me. I doubt she would kill anyone unless in self-defense. And even if… I would help her get away with it," Lili answered him and shrugged her shoulders. Lucy coughed and gained Lili's attention back.

"Thanks, but I'm sure now. I gave that jerk melanin pills but his breathing is irregular a lot." Lucy sounded worried. Lili's eyebrows shot up. That was unusual for Lucy.

"Why did you give that idol sleeping pills?" Lili had a problem keeping her laughter in.

"He pissed me off." Lili couldn't take it anymore, and laughed out loud. Lucy was impossible. Did she really give someone sleeping pills when he pissed her off? That was brutal.

"You wanted to kill him because he made you angry? What's the frequency of his breaths?" They waited for Lucy to count them.

"Around seven or eight, I'm not sure. He breathes very shallowly." Lili laughed because she knew that it was normal. Breathing like this while sleeping was a good sign.

"Okay, calm down. Do his eyes move?" she asked, just to be sure. There was a moment of silence.

"Yeah. A lot." Lili did not know why Lucy was so panicked. It could be heard in her voice that she cared. Maybe…

"You like him!" she yelled out and jumped up. She was so excited. Lucy was too hard to control, too wild, so every guy was afraid of her and usually cared more for her parents than Lucy herself. Even Chao, who was pretty uncontrollable himself, was admiring that 'old hag' free-mindedness.

"No, I could never like him. He is a pain in my ass. He does whatever is in his power to make me suffer. But he hired me as a teacher. He is going on a world tour or whatever soon, but he speaks only Korean. He was complaining about lack of sleep, so I wanted to help him out." Lucy defended herself, and Lili smiled.

Yeah, she definitely was affected by him. Lili was rooting for this guy. She will make sure later that he is worthy of Lucy, but now… let's leave this thing alone.

"Don't worry. He is in a really deep sleep. Guess he wasn't sleeping much, so pills put him in REM sleep. Nothing unusual. He will be rested when he wakes up," Lili said, and Lucy left out a big sigh and sounded calmer and relaxed.

"I'm sorry. I thought I messed up something. Are you with Lei? I hope I haven't disturbed you," Lucy said apologetically. Oh… Lili just remembered and looked at the system message.

She made Helsing's secret revolvers. Secret-level. That was totally epic. She looked around excitedly, but the three pairs of eyes were still focused on her and her watch.

"Nothing to worry about. But don't kill anyone, okay? I have no idea where to get lye and grinder…" Lili made a joke and Lucy laughed, but they were the only ones. They said goodbyes to each other and hung up.

Chao and Yitian finally let it out and started laughing so loud.

"What the heck just happened? What's going on with you two?" Yitian said in between the laughs. Lili just shrugged.

"Nothing happened… You wouldn't do that for your friend?" she said, totally serious about their friendship. Lucy was the only one that stood by her during her hard times earlier in college. Lei hugged her, showing her support.

"He did not think it was like that. But admit it. The conversation was pointless, weird, and hilarious. Do you know how scared I was that I would have to pay all the lawyers for you two?" Lei said, still hugging her from behind.

'So cute,' Lili thought and smiled.

"Don't worry. If I ever do something, they will never catch me. No body, no murder, no traces, no connection," she said and looked Chao deep in his eyes. And smirked.

"Why do I have the feeling she is dismembering me in her mind right now?" he asked, looking unsure and a bit scared, probably because of her imagination.

"It's not only a feeling," she said, and her scary grin and wink made Chao feel uneasy.

"Nah, I'm only kidding. I would never punish a child like that. Kind words and some snack stealing will do..." she continued, and Chao finally looked horrified.

"You did not…!" Yitian was laughing so much and when Lili looked at him, he immediately stopped.

"I wouldn't be laughing so much. You are roommates." She smirked once again. Lei bent over to her and whispered: "What did you do to them? They look terrified."

"Half of it was Dylan's idea. I just upgraded it. I collected every one of their snacks when they were away from the room. And hid it away. Somewhere they won't have the guts to go. The same is for every snack in the kitchen, in both houses, and even other guys." Now even Lei looked scared of her.

"You can't take away snacks. That is torture!!!!" Chao shouted, jerking Yitian from his thoughts, but he agreed, so he nodded at Chao.

"Well... and don't think you can buy more and bring it back… I will always catch you." Somehow all of them, even Lei, looked like crying soon. She took their favorite calming things for their nerves away, Lili knew that, but she needed an upper-hand dealing with them.

"Don't worry. I will give some of them back if you behave," she said, and looked right at Chao.

"Don't think, I don't know about that thing with Yitian…" Chao looked fanatically around. Terrified. Then he looked at Yitian. They were almost telepathically communicating. She saw the connection they have and wasn't that surprised about their relationship.

"No more fighting!" she emphasized. Both of them nodded. Quickly. Diverting attention from their matter and agreeing so she wouldn't dig in more. Haha, as if...

"If you have problems, just come and talk. I will help you. Now go accept the guns." The moment she said it, Yitian was away. Excited about his new weapons, more than a kid is on a Christmas day.

"And what about me?" Lei looked at her with a puppy look and she caressed his cheek.

"You know where the snacks are… They don't have the guts to go to only one place in this compound. Our room." His face lit up.

"Don't think you will find them. I'm good at hiding things." She continued because Lili knew how soft-hearted he was to his own brother and to her surprise even to Yitian. But Lei thought up some places, even without her.

"Is it under the bed?" he asked, smiling. But she only snorted in obvious denial.

"Who you think I am… That's the first place everyone will look to." She shook her head and logged out of the game. Eleven o'clock. Time to get more sleep.

"No playing tonight. I'm so tired." She lifted a finger and pointed to Lei's chest. He looked cutely sad.

"Why are you so mean today?" he asked, pouting, and Lili laughed.

"I told you... I hate to be woken up from pleasant dreams." She was close to Lei, hand on his chest muscle. His heart was beating fast. He looked down and locked his eyes with hers. Lili saw so much need in there but at the same time tender love.

"What were you dreaming about?" he asked seductively, and Lili smirked. She let her hand fall and took a quick start, sprinting to the stairs.

"About Jackson Wang!" she shouted when she was near their room. Lei was dumbstruck for a while, then followed her. He caught her by their bed and threw her at it.

"I guess I have to get him out of your head then," he said and kissed her hard. At that point, Lili knew she wouldn't get much sleep today either.