Princess’ time

It was already 11 am when Lili woke up. She was so sleepy. Thankfully, Lei went back to work saying something needed to be done at the company, so he left early and let her sleep more. She tidied herself a bit in the bathroom and made herself breakfast in the kitchen upstairs.

She only heard low chatter from downstairs. That was weird. Boys were usually loud and a noisy bunch when they were playing. Lili bent over the balcony railing to see that only 5 of them were there.

"Hey. Good morning? Where are the rest of you?" she asked. All of them weren't expecting that and jerked. Yinli lifted his head from the computer, together with Hongjie.

"Um, they... they…" Yinli wasn't able to think up anything. So Wuchen quickly came to his rescue.

"They are shopping," Wuchen said, and Lili was now more suspicious. Either they feared her or the rest of the bunch were up to no good. And Lili guessed the latter was the right. She smiled.

"I will give you more snacks if you tell me the truth." She winked a few times and lifted her eyebrows up and down. It was such a suggestive gesture. And all five of them looked highly uncomfortable. They were looking at each other.

"They… they went shopping." Hongjie still insisted on this answer. Lili furrowed her brows and sat down to finish the breakfast. Something wasn't right. They would do anything for the snacks. Only if they had something more at stake. With someone who was higher ranking than her. What was Lei up to?

She put the dishes in the washing machine and stayed upstairs. Lili wanted to eavesdrop on them, but their chatter was too quiet to hear. Even when she was tiptoeing on the stairs, she couldn't hear anything. The only thing she knew was that their chatter sounded really nervous.

"Is he having an affair?" She spoke behind their backs as she walked downstairs, and they jerked from the shock.

Yuhuai, the poor introvert, looked like crying at any time. It looked like Lei had picked the wrong guys to be his cover while having an extramarital affair. She laughed, and he became even more nervous.

"No. He is just out." Shanshan said, still holding on strong. She shrugged and continued to her PC.

"You can't!" Hongjie shouted and jumped up when she sat behind the PC. She lifted one brow. What the heck was going on?

"Then what am I supposed to do? Why can't I be playing the game?" she asked, and they looked at each other.

"You are quite a bully, you know?" Yitian said when he came inside and stood next to her. He looked different today. His face was shining. It looked like he was in a good mood.

"Me? Bully? Are you kidding? I'm not allowed to do anything. I wasn't in the game at all..." Lili pouted and Yitian smiled. She suddenly noticed how beautiful he was.

Not handsome, but beautiful. He had prominent cheekbones, full lips, and big eyes. No wonder she thought he was like 17 years old when she first met him. Meanwhile, he was one of the oldest of them. Actually, the same age as Chao.

"You are forbidden there because Lei was angry that you spend less time with him than with us," he said, chuckling.

For Lili's defense. That wasn't the truth. She was in the game only when Lei was away working. But then, sulking, she was working when he came home. And wasn't paying attention to him.

She realized that it was a lot of work to manage the two companies. His dad asked him to help a bit and then the Dragons were still a new team, so he had to talk to a lot of people. But she could make some trouble sometimes, too. Couldn't she? Not be the patient and understanding wife at all times. She understood. But it was only just the playfulness she needed.

"Ugh… So what am I supposed to do? Sit here and wait for him? You have a housekeeper and a cook. I can't even cook you lunch." Lili made a desperate face.

"Actually," he smiled at the rest of the guys who were trying to calm down, "I'm supposed to take you somewhere," he continued and Hongjie was very relieved because he exasperatedly exhaled. Lili stood up, offended that she was not obviously welcomed here.

"Where are we going?" she asked Yitian. He turned around and led her out of the house.

"You will see." He literally loaded her into the car which Chao was driving, and they took off. They rode for quite a while when they arrived at the house. The only English characters she saw were SPA and then some hanzi.

"What? Spa?" She shot a questioning gaze at Yitian, and he smiled at her.

"Yup. Let's go." Chao parked the car and Yitian took her inside. Right at the reception, he talked to the receptionist in Cantonese and then turned around to face Lili.

"Lei told me you should enjoy yourself. They will take care of you. Be ready for the evening. He is preparing a surprise. And don't worry, they can speak English," he said and then simply walked away without a bye. And left her there, standing confused and speechless. Lili turned around, and the woman was smiling at her.

"Don't worry, miss Park. You will look stunning at the end of our procedures..." she gestured towards the doors and Lili had no other choice than to follow.

She had to strip down in the changing room and was given a towel. Then she was supposed to proceed to the next room. Lili had never visited the spa before, but these looked nice. Wood and stone and water. She liked the calming feeling of the sound of the little waterfall they had there.

She was introduced to her entire team. Oh my god, Leilei went overboard with this. Manicure, massage, cosmetologist, hairdresser, makeup artist, stylist, and like five more people, she did not get what they were supposed to do. What was Lei preparing?

Lili had a terrible feeling. Normally, in dramas, when they had a makeover like this, the main lead would usually confess his love. But Lei already did that. She sat down in the chair and let them take care of her. She was given a drink and then asked questions she did not know how to answer.

Then by her side was always a personal caretaker who was supposed to do everything for her. Lili just had to say that she felt like being in a fairy tale. The princess. And that feeling wasn't bad at all.