Perfect match

Lili stepped closer to Lei, and he handed the bouquet over to her. She smelled it and was overwhelmed by the fragrance. She looked up into Lei's beautiful black eyes, which were filled with adoration.

"You did not have to go all out." She smiled and couldn't help but feel immensely happy. He put his hands on her hips. And took a tiny step closer.

"I had to. I wanted this to be a memory you will never forget." She looked around once again.

"You don't have to worry about that. You achieved your goal." Lili was forgetful, but this. This she will never forget. It looked so perfect. Only the two of them. No one else. With beautiful scenery.

"I heard this is your house?" Lili asked and Lei took the bouquet out of her hands. He put it on the nearby table and took her hand.

"Mmm, more like our house. I hope you will live here with me." He smiled, and Lili's brows shot up.

"Why here? I'm pretty comfortable in Dragons' den," she said half sarcastically. Lei laughed out loud. Well, at least she was honest.

"Don't worry. We will still be there until you are prepared to live with me here. It's… I thought you need to know that we will have a place where we can bring up our children." He smiled so handsomely that Lili was done. In her mind, there were flashes of a little boy with her milky white skin and his black hair and eyes.

This wasn't the first time they were talking about children, but no other time hit her as much as now. She could do nothing else than nod and try to hold back the tears of happiness.

"Can I take it you feel the same way as I do?" he asked, and she only nodded again. He took a step closer to her, still holding her hands.

"I know you don't like big gestures, so I did it this way. We haven't known each other for a long time. But you are the only person I fell in love with. The only person that makes me smile just by being there. And the only person who I want to be with my entire life..." Lei did not kneel and Lili was glad for that.

He simply let go of her hands and reached into his pocket for a small box. There was Danhov written on it, and she was ecstatic. It was her favorite jeweler. Lei opened the box.

"Are you willing to spend your life with me forever?" Lili's eyes welled with tears. There was a simple silver ring in the box. It had a round red gem in the middle and eight triangle grooves, four on each side of the gem. It was simple, yet looked amazing.

"Yes. I will. I love you," she answered and Lei's smile grew wider and he took out the ring. He took her left hand and put the ring on her ring finger.

"Do you know why the ring is put here?" he asked and kissed the ring finger. Lili was unable to think. Her head was totally empty.

"Because this finger is connected by a vein with the heart," he said and laid her hand on his heart. She felt his fast heartbeat, showing he was nervous, too.

Because his heartbeat was almost the same frequency as hers. It was a magical moment until Lei took a few steps back and fell into the pool.

Lili was done… she started laughing so much when she saw him standing in the pool, wet and sulking. She kneeled down at the edge of the pool, still laughing.

"Are you okay?" Lili only managed to cough up these few words and then started laughing again. It was so funny. He had rose petals all over him and the candles drifted away. Lei came closer to her and smiled mischievously.

"If I were you, I wouldn't laugh so much," he said, and she quickly stood up just before his attempt to pull her down. She struck out her tongue and laughed once more. He pulled himself up, looking really handsome, and stood there, water flowing off him, his clothes sticking to his perfect figure. He wanted to come closer, but she was running away while laughing.

"Don't come closer. You will ruin these beautiful dresses," she said, still laughing, but he had much longer legs than her and caught her quickly. He only laughed and dragged her to the edge of the pool.

"No!" She was screaming and laughing at the same time. But he did it. But a bit different from what she expected. Lili thought that he would push her into the pool just to have fun. But no. He hugged her tightly around the waist and fell in with her in his arms.

Lili struggled a bit to get above the water because of the dress, but Lei lifted her above the surface. She was too small to stand, not like him who stood, and his head was sticking out. So, he was holding her up. And she was hugging him tightly around his neck. They kissed and after a while; they separated.

"Do you know why there are eight triangles?" Lili shook her head and looked at the ring behind Lei's head. It was a perfect fit, and it did not even move when she fell in.

"It's because between me and you was approximately eight thousand kilometers, but we still met. You were right the first time you were in the playroom. If two people share an affinity, they will meet even if they're a thousand miles apart. We share an affinity, we are perfect for each other. You are the better half of me." Lili laughed and kissed him again. He was so adorable. And he was so right.

"You are my better half, too. I never thought I would live my dream. I've always watched the Chinese series and thought that having a perfect guy like that is not possible. But you exceeded my expectations." She kissed his cheek slightly.

"You are far better than any of them. I'm really lucky to meet you," she whispered and attacked his lips with a passionate and hot kiss.