Head of the family

They went to sleep pretty late, so naturally, they both slept for a long time. But Lili woke up when she heard a light knock on the door, which surprised her. She thought they were there alone.

Lili looked up at the sleeping Lei and felt the weight of the ring on her finger. She was his fiancée. They were engaged. She should probably tell mom and Lucy and… her head was running on full power when another knocking sounded.

She lifted up from Lei's totally dead body. But a gorgeous body. And quickly searched for something else to wear than the dress. She only found Lei's shirt. She put it on and opened the door. Yitian was there. With a tray in his hands.

"I prepared breakfast for you." He smiled shyly. She looked down and marveled. There were perfectly done toasts, sausages, and pancakes. Lili lit up.

"Thank you. It's perfect. You were here the whole time?" She asked curiously, but he only laughed.

Their relationship surely changed. Before tomorrow, she had been more like a friend to him. Now it looked like he found a new motherly figure in her. And she did not mind.

"No. We would never do that. This house is only five minutes' walk away from Dragons' compound. We cooked it there and brought it to you." Lili suspiciously looked around.

"We?" she asked, and Yitian nodded.

"Me and Chao," he answered and Lili smiled, spending time together, huh? That was good. Better than the big argument they had before.

"You are downstairs? Is something up? Should I wake Lei up?" She turned around, looked behind herself, and saw him still sleeping.

'Tsk, he had no stamina,' she thought, but knew it wasn't true. And chuckled. Chao was walking up the stairs, holding something. When he came closer, said hi, and tossed her a bag.

"Some clothes. Don't need to say thanks." She barely managed to catch it, and Yitian had a problem balancing out the tray. Lili looked at Yitian, ignoring Chao completely.

"Please. Keep him on the leash. He is impossible." Yitian looked shocked at this suggestion, but Lili was having fun with the smirk she had plastered on her face.

She walked into the room and gestured for Yitian to follow. Lei's room in this house was a lot bigger than in the guest house. He had a couch and table here too, but twice as big a bookcase and more space between it. And the bathroom with a walk-in closet was connected to this room.

He put the breakfast at the table and walked away. He was closing the doors and winked at her. Oh, here he was, the old, carefree Yitian. Lili was glad he was still there.

"Wake up, hon." She leaned over the sleeping Lei and kissed his lips. He caressed her cheek, half awake, and kissed her back. Then he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Is this a dream? Are you awake first?" Lili laughed and smacked him over the shoulder.

"Hey, this is domestic abuse." He joked and sat up. Lili just laughed and went to the bathroom. She took a shower, taking care of her teeth, when her watch rang. Lucy.

"Congrats!" Lucy shouted as soon as Lili picked up the call.

"How the heck do you know what happened even before I told it to you?" Lili was in awe. Could it be that she knew even before Lili knew?

"Pfff, you are the last to know… Who do you think told him you would be embarrassed if he asked out in public?" Lucy snorted into the phone and laughed.

"I love you, my best friend. What else did you help him with? It was perfect…" She could imagine Lucy shaking her head right now.

"I said only that you would hate the public scene. The other things were purely him. How did it look?" Lucy asked.

"It was totally epic, lights like stars, roses everywhere. And the ring… He even remembered my favorite artist-designer." Lucy made a wow sound and then quickly recovered.

"Don't forget to tell your mom. And post it on SNS, for those hateful bitches who were badmouthing you to see…" Lili chuckled. Oh, Lucy, master of sweet revenge.

"Sure… I'm on it. Bye!" Lili said and walked out of the bathroom. Lei was already waiting for her to come out.

"I have to tell my mom… Feel free to use it for how long you need." He looked a bit unsure of himself.

"What will your parents say?" he asked, and now she knew why he was so unsure.

"They will be delighted…" She smiled and Lei nodded. "I would let you listen, but their English is not so good. I will let you know what they said, okay?" Lili took his hands, reassuring him. He nodded and then walked to the bathroom.

She called her mom with the smartwatch, forgetting the time difference. It was 5 am and mom wasn't that happy to be woken up.

Lili took out her phone and took some photos of her ring. It wasn't actually the first time mentioning something about her boyfriend. Before, she already mentioned Lei, whenever she was talking to her mom.

"Mom, have you woken up?" She heard only unspecified mumbling. She then waited more.

Lili posted the picture of the ring with captions: 'It was fast but he is my soulmate.' And a little heart at the hand. She hit share when mom said:

"I'm here. What's going on?" Lili couldn't help but grin.

"Mom, I'm going to marry Lei." The voice of her mom automatically livened up with only one word.

"Finally!" Yeah, nothing beats family, but that wasn't the end because she followed with: "I'm going to be granny!" Lili thought that Lei was wrongfully afraid. Her mom had the same reaction as Lei's dad. Creepy...

"Mom, please tell dad. I have to go… Love ya." Lili said because Lei came out of the bathroom. He was going to be thrilled.


Mary Park poked her husband, George. "Woke up, dummy. Our daughter is going to marry Lei." He quickly opened his eyes.

"I did not give permission for that. I'm against it!" he lamented, but Mary only smacked him over his head and said nothing else.

"You are not allowed to say anything. It's a good thing," Mary said and sat up in the bed.

"But what if he is not good enough?" George asked. It was typical for him because Lili was always daddy's little princess. But Mary only snorted.

"He is better than you. And if you do or say something making him feel sad or unwelcomed, we are separating. And you will sleep alone till your death." She turned the lights off and went to sleep again.

Her only child finally found someone she loved enough to commit herself to him. Mary would trust Lili's judgment, and she would never allow men's egos to destroy it. A man may be the head of the family, but a woman is the neck moving the head.