The call

When the ambulance arrived, Lili quickly went out of their way. She didn't want to obstruct their work, which was now within life or death. She just hoped Lei, who was talking to the doctors, was conveying everything properly.

The ambulance crew was working in perfect synchronization and it made Lili admire, how calm and composed they could be, even when the patient was dying.

Or was almost dead.

They stuffed gauze into Yitian's wound and helped him with breathing. And as soon as they were done, they fled the scene and went to the hospital.

"Let's go… I know where they are going, and which hospital. We should follow them," Lei said. Lili nodded and got up from the ground where she was still kneeling.

Lei held the car door open, and she sat inside, still shaken. She needed a hug, and just as Lili wanted to ask for one, she looked over herself and freaked out.

"Fuck! I will dirty your car!" she yelled out, startling Lei, who just sat down. He looked at her, totally stunned, and then shook his head.

"Do you think I care about a car at times like this?" he asked, and Lili knew how far off of his thoughts she was. He was definitely thinking about something else. About Yitian and his slim chances of survival.

Lei bent over her, reaching out for the seatbelt she wasn't buckling up. But Lili didn't know that, so she raised her hands and screamed again.

"I have blood all over. Don't touch me!" Lei had to chuckle. He was now tempted to hug her, just because she forbade him to do it. But he buckled her up and just pressed a quick kiss on her cheek because they needed to go.

They drove to the hospital and parked in the lot there. She looked at her clothes, afraid to go out like this because some might have thought that she killed somebody.

Lei noticed her thinking before exiting. He took down the light sweatshirt he had on and helped her get down her t-shirt, then he helped her put on the sweatshirt so Yitian's blood wouldn't startle anyone. He didn't tell her that the jeans she had on were dirty and bloody, too.

"Hello, we are the family of Wang Yitian. He was just brought in by ambulance," Lei said as he went up to the reception area. He knew where the hospital was, but had no idea where they would operate on him.

"Yes, follow me. Sign those papers and I will take you to the waiting area for the emergency surgeries," the nurse said and sweetly smiled at Lei.

If Lili was in her right mind, she would have made a noise to make herself apparent. To show that was there with him, but now. She had no energy to guard her person.

The nurse led them before big automatic doors, with a big sign saying operation rooms. Then she showed them to sit down at the chairs in the nearby waiting area.

"Do you think he will be alright?" Lili asked, ready to cry. She wasn't with them for long, but Yitian definitely grew on her. She took him as a friend, or maybe even a son that was as old as her.

"Yes. And I will make sure of it." Lei looked as if he suddenly remembered something and took out his phone. He dialed a number and when the other person picked it up, he started speaking Cantonese.

Lili was getting better in Cantonese, but not enough for understanding Lei when he was speaking fast. If he spoke slowly, she could make basic conversations with him. Now, she had no idea what he was talking about.

When he finished the first call, he immediately called someone else. And talked without a break. Now, Lili knew he was talking to Jiaer because she heard his name. But that was it. Nothing else except Yitian and his mother.

"You think she did it to him?" Lili asked, shocked after Lei hung up on Jiaer. He turned to her and frowned.

"You don't know about his past, right?" Lili shook her head, and he started telling her what happened in the past. When Lili heard that, she wanted to go and punch the woman called Nou Rao. The things she did, deserved only punishment. And she didn't mind being the one caring it out.

A tall figure walked out of the door that opened, and because Lili and Lei were waiting there alone, they immediately got up, scared, hoping for a piece of good news.

"You are Mr. Wang's family?" he asked. When they nodded, he continued: "There were many wounds that needed to be taken care of. The patient had to be resuscitated once, but he survived. Now he is in a critical state…" When he finished that and Lei translated it for her, Lili had to lean on him, because her legs gave up.

He died once… he died!

She scooped the phone from her jeans pockets and decided that now was the time to call Chao. Because of the relationship they had, she had to call him, even though Yitian didn't want to.

He had to be the one to see him for sure. What if something happened? She dialed his phone number, and it was a while before she heard his sleepy mumbling.

"Chao, he.. Yitian…" She started sobbing uncontrollably, unable to continue, but Lili took a deep breath and continued: "he… died…" as soon as she said that, she heard a loud crash and then beeping sounds on her phone.

She looked down at her smartphone, not getting what had just happened. Lei came to her and squatted before her.

"What happened?" he asked, concerned. She was sniffling and crying and staring at her phone before she finally spoke up.

"I called Chao.. he hung up on me when I said Yitian died. He didn't hear that he survived…" she whispered and then started crying again.

"It's my fauuult!" she yelled and threw herself into Lei's hug, making him fall on his ass from the impact.

"Idiotic brother!" he muttered as he was stroking Lili's head and calling him with the other hand.

But the phone was dead. So he decided to call the other person who was sure to be close to him or at least could drive to him.

Yixing wasn't picking up…

'Did everyone in the universe have their phones off, today of all nights?' he thought as he tried one number after another while calming down self-accusing Lili.