Critical spike

Lei finally got hold of someone who picked up his call. It was Dylan. So, he briefly told him about the situation on the phone and could hear him hurriedly putting on his clothes. He knew he could entrust him with Chao's task, so he sat back next to Lili, who was still sobbing.

"Calm down, Dylan will tell him everything," he said as he patted her back, but Lili didn't even look up at him. She kept sobbing and wiping her face into his sweatshirt. Which would need a thorough cleaning...

"I- I feel so bad for him…" she said in between her sniffling and wiped her nose into her sleeve. And Lei decided to throw away today's clothes. No matter how expensive they were, it was something he couldn't take.

Not that he was an overly clean person, but this was just gross no matter how much he liked her. Some things are just gross.

"I need a hug…" she sobbed again and Lei's face twisted. She was bloody, dirty, and now full of her body fluids.

He squatted before her and hugged her as tight as he could. It was hard on them both and he needed this hug, too. He needed it as much as she did. Because the feeling that he could lose her just pained his heart.

"Ehm, you are Wang Yitian's family?" the nurse interrupted them as she asked behind Lei's back. He immediately got up and nodded, fearing something worse.

"We have put him in a VVIP room. The nurse is staying there, monitoring him closely for at least an hour, but you can go in and wait there," the nurse said and Lei breathed out in relief. He nodded and helped Lili to stand.

They followed the nurse to a different ward, into a big room. It didn't look much like a hospital room, but a normal bedroom in a big house.

But now, there was a bed with Yitian in it, strapped to almost every possible monitor Lei could see, and he looked terrible.

He had gauze all over his body, his hand, his face. When Lili saw it, she started crying again.

"If I knew about Nou Rao, I wouldn't let him go…!" she bawled again and pressed her face into Lei's chest. He patted her back again as he hugged her and looked at the nurse sitting beside Yitian. She promptly looked at the monitors the other way and avoided staring at them.

"Lili, look at me… Everyone knew about it, but do you think we could stop Yitian? He wanted to go, so he went. He didn't ask for permission…" he said to her face and wiped the tear off her face. She blinked a few times, but then the tears started rolling again and she hiccuped.

Lei sighed and pressed her face back to his chest. He felt slight vibrations and muffled talking, but he kept her there. She smacked his hip and pulled away.

"Now, you weren't listening to me. Nobody listens to me anymore. Not even Chao. He thinks Yitian is dead!" Lili exclaimed again and started sobbing even louder. The nurse couldn't take it anymore and looked at Lei.

"Do you need something to calm her down?" she asked, totally annoyed by Lili's self-blame that was spiking the patient's heartbeat every time they got a bit loud.

"Calm down, you are disturbing Yitian. Look at his heart monitor," Lei pointed at the monitor that showed a spike whenever someone talked too loud or screamed.

Lili stopped sobbing and saw the monitor. She screamed with the same loudness she did before and saw a big spike in Yitian's heart frequency when she was doing that. Lei shook his head at the nurse, who nodded.

"I'm sorry," Lili said in her normal quiet tone to the nurse and sat on the close couch that was in the room.

Her sobbing didn't stop, she was just making tiny sounds, almost like a newborn puppy, holding back sniffles and everything. Lei sighed once more and sat next to Lili.

He kept patting her back and handing her paper tissues. They went like this for a long time. Just when he wanted to ask the nurse how does it look, the nurse closed the folder she had in her hand and stood up.

"The patient is now stabilized. His body functions went back to the norm, except for those few spikes. The nurse will now come in to take the measurements once in fifteen minutes. Try to keep a pleasant atmosphere for him. And you should clean yourself up before approaching him," the nurse said mercilessly when she looked at them, and just like that, walked away.

Lei stood up to follow the nurse when the door slid open and bewildered Chao ran into the room.

"What happened?" he asked, while running up to Yitian, and grabbed his healthy hand.

"That's what she was trying to say to you. Before you hung up on her. Lili felt so bad that she only managed to say that he died," Lei said as he rolled his eyes, annoyed by his brother.

"But…" he started, but Lei interrupted him.

"Yes, he is alive now. But his breathing ceased and so with it even his heartbeat for a brief moment during his operation," he explained, to be sure his stupid brother would get it.

"We need to move him to the best hospital," Chao whispered, his eyes still locked onto Yitian. Lei had to suppress his chuckle. This was the best hospital for them.

"I think that when they saved his life, he was in the best hands…" Lei said, not adding anything more.

The door opened once again and Dylan came in together with the doctor that was operating on Yitian. The one who told them about his condition.

"Hello, may I ask what your affiliation is with the patient?" he asked Chao, who totally ignored him. Lei sat back to Lili and patted her head as she lay on his lap and closed her eyes, totally exhausted.

"Me?" Chao asked and Lei got interested in the answer he would get. It was a long time ago that he noticed his brother's feelings towards Yitian changed. Lei just needed to know how much.

"I'm his boyfriend," Chao said and Lei's brows raised to his hairline, together with Lili's, who was now smiling. She definitely heard it, too.

Lei wasn't that pissed at Chao. He was only offended because his brother hadn't told him. And because his girlfriend had obsessions with BL, he got to hear the education on how to react to such news.

He recalled the evening she told him and had to chuckle. Lei looked at his brother, who was gently looking at Yitian while talking to the doctor.

He knew that look. It was the same as when Lei looked at Lili. Now his only concern was his father, because he had a feeling that he wouldn't accept it that easily.