
"Is it the final, then?" Lei asked Lili, who was ready to cry.

"I don't care! You do it!" she exclaimed and shoved her face into her palms. Lei closed the huge file holder and hugged the sobbing Lili.

"Stop it. You said you wanted a princess wedding." Lili raised up and pouted at him, puffing her cheeks.

"But a princess' wedding with few people, not the entire upper class of Hong Kong Macau and China!" Lei only chuckled.

"Don't forget Japan. Mimi and Yuji are coming too, remember?" Lili smacked him and buried her face in her palms again.

"Oh, and I hope you didn't forget that today we are going to pick up dresses. And choose the flowers after that," Lei noted, and Lili groaned. She really wasn't a person that plans things ahead. A lot less if it's a social gathering of some sort.

She raised her head again and looked at the smiling Lei with new thoughts forming in her head. Lili smiled at him and grabbed him by his shirt. Lei got even more amused, the corners of his mouth raised so he was almost grinning.

"Can we have an agreement? You are much better at planning social gatherings. So I'll be the one choosing the dress and flowers. I'll pick the venue. But you. Please do the rest. Don't ask me anything more. I don't care. There will be mostly your business partners at the reception. So do it yourself." Lei looked like he was pondering over it for a bit, then he nodded.

"I agree, but the rest of the day will be without any whining or complaining, and you will smile throughout the fitting and everything. Deal?" Lili wanted to run again when she heard about smiling and no whining, but then the other choice of choosing every little detail with him was more agonizing than one day.

"Deal," she said, standing up and taking the binders that had venues inside. Lili closed her eyes and randomly opened it somewhere. She opened her eyes and with a smile showed the file to Lei.

"See, I chose the venue," she said, and Lei groaned.

"You don't mean that!" he exclaimed, but Lili looked at him confused, but with a smile still plastered on her face.

"What do you mean? What's the problem?" she asked because when she looked at the pictures, it looked really nice.

"Well, nothing. I'll take that as done then. You have the dress fitting in three hours. Can you get ready?" Lili wanted to groan really so much, but she only smiled at him and went to the elevator. But she didn't go up to their room, which was, by the way, one of the rooftop flats. Instead, she went down to the playroom. With a heavy sigh, she sat in the chair and looked around the room. Confused gazes were all around her and before she put on headphones, she had to ask.

"What's going on?" Yitian frowned and Chao even more.

"You are not marrying my brother?" Chao asked with giggling coming through.

"I'm if he didn't call it off. Why?" Some of the new people that joined them were a bit confused with the dynamics of the team. They were more like family than business partners.

"Well, we wanted you to try something, but we were told you can't go today as you have a wedding to plan." Lili made 'aaaah' sound as she knew what this was about and on her face, a genuine smile appeared.

"Nevermind him. I made the deal with the devil that he will let me off the planning after I chose a dress and flowers, which will be done in three hours. There is plenty of time before that." Chao nodded, but Yitian looked doubtful. And so did Huobai.

"Count only three hours, because you need to take a shower before and take care of all the wild hair on your body." Lili took a nearby pen and threw it at Huobai after his note.

"Go fuck yourself. I can't be blamed for my genes. Such the hell up, you bald imbecile." Lili was pissed since she learned they didn't have as much body hair as she did. Fricking Asian genes! Hopefully, her future child will be after her father in this aspect, because Lili's hair was growing at a rapid pace.

She started a few games with them. Not caring about time, and noticed how pleasant it was to cooperate with the new guy dancer. His style was really interesting in terms of gameplay. His name was Mei Lan. Belle in the game.

And different from Meiren, Mei Liu, whose gameplay was pretty aggressive for a girl. Belle was more of a supporting character. Only if it was needed, he went head first to the game. But he was silently supporting with his long-ranged attacks or healing spells while being hidden.

"I think I've seen your gameplay somewhere," Lili noted to Belle, and couldn't remember where. Something strangely familiar. It was similar to her own play, yet at the same time, there were differences that reminded her of someone else.

"Leif!" she suddenly shouted out, jumped up, and pointed her finger at Belle, but immediately retracted it, not knowing whether or not it was offensive.

"You know him?" Belle asked, with really broken English. So broken, Lili switched to Cantonglish instead.

"Of course, the team are my friends. Leif was the one that taught me how to hide. And I taught him how to attack and gave him his weapon. Since then he loved me," she giggled, and as soon as she said it Chao, Huobai, and half of the team put down their headsets and attentively listened.

"So loved you, huh?" Lei behind her sounded actually amused. Not a little bit jealous. That was refreshing. Maybe he was finally sure of himself once he was planning the wedding.

"Mmm, but he is 8 years younger than me. I never wanted to date a kid. And to be honest, he is in the top three healers in the world. I would be stupid not to learn things from me." Lili looked at Hongjie.

"He was actually pissed at me when I talked to Einar a few weeks ago, that I taught you my tricks." Hongjie snorted. And put his headset back on, but he couldn't help himself and said one more remark.

"If I took him head on, he wouldn't even be in the top hundred. Even your gameplay wouldn't help him." Chao kept grinning at the newly found flame in Hongjie's eyes.

"Lili, it's time," Huobai said, pointing at the big clock that was on the wall. She still had an hour to go.

"Can I assume you are here for me?" She got up and grinned at Lei. He rolled his eyes, which was a bad habit he picked up from her, and Lili now hated it.

"Well, at first I thought you went to prepare yourself. Then I went up and found an empty flat. I went through thoughts that you ran away from me. Then my mind went back, and I knew instantly where to find you." Lili chuckled and evaded his hug by running to the elevator. She was quickly pressing the button to close the door, but it was futile as he caught up with her.

"Do you think you can run away from me?" he said menacingly and made Lili back up to the elevator wall.

"I will hunt you to the end of the world," he said and pressed his lips firmly against her mouth. It was safe to say Lili was in need of a shower more than before. As she didn't know, only a kiss could make her wet.