Bachelor party

"Can I say I really hate it?" Lili whispered to Lucy, who giggled.

"I love it. I had a chance to run away from Hwa." Lucy leaned back in the chair and raised her hands, crossing them behind her head. She looked really relaxed.

"Is that why you have Hyun with you?" Lucy frowned.

"This is not the conversation we should have now. You are supposed to have your bachelor party. Who else is coming?" Lucy looked around, expecting more people.

"You're my maid of honor! Aren't YOU supposed to know who is coming if you planned this party?" Lili's voice gained volume as she spoke, not talking about the pitch that at the end showed the panic.

"Yo? What? I planned it?" Lucy exclaimed, and stood up from the chair, her face shifting from panic to confusion.

"I hate you," Lili breathed out and gulped down the glass of wine. Not caring about etiquette.

"Wow, if somebody from your hometown saw you, they would kick your ass for drinking it like that," Lucy laughed again and sat back down in her chair. Lili's hometown was known for wine and the folk there got all serious about drinking it.

Lili grabbed the bottle of the wine and poured herself half the glass again and gulped half of the glass while hardly staring at Lucy with disappointment in her eyes.

"Oh, actually, where are the guys?" Lucy looked around, as she didn't see them the entire day.

"Well, given our wedding is the day after tomorrow. They help Lei with everything. And went to our home in Clearwater. To have Lei's own bachelor party."

"They took Hyun with them? Poor guy can't speak English very well." She laughed when she imagined Hyun struggling like that.

"Oh, apparently Shanshan knows how to speak Korean." Lucy's eyes widened. That was new. She looked at Lili, puzzled, who only shrugged her shoulders, showing she had no idea.

The elevator made a sound, and Lili jerked herself because she was not expecting anyone. The door opened and Lili was surprisingly staring at the people that came out.

"Surprise. Of course, I didn't forget to invite them." Lucy giggled and stood up to welcome everyone. Lili quickly followed her.

Together with Mimi, Mei, and Junfeng, who were her recent acquaintances, Silva and Nikol came from Czechia. They were cousins who lived next door to Lili and were a bit younger than her. But she still loved to talk to them about Kpop and other stuff.

Well, now, they talked mostly through the phone. But they still talked.

Yumi, Sara, and Aoi were friends who studied at the same University. And even though they lived all around the world. They still had a chat and talked like that too and once a year they either visited each other or had a call if someone couldn't come.

It looked like they had already become friends on the way, because they were laughing and grinning at Lili, their faces slightly blushing.

"Did you make them drunk during the ride?" Lili asked Mei, confused, why they were so giggly. But Mei only shrugged her shoulders and with the nonchalance that was only hers.

"There was an awkward silence among them." Lili laughed and looked at Lucy to see what was the next plan. Lucy was speaking to Nikol, and that made Lili a bit scared. Not that Nikol didn't know how to behave. But she was… specific.

"You didn't?" Lili asked, scared when Lucy came to her.

"Let's go to the club, girls!" she shouted, raising her hands up. The answer to her was excited shouts from others. And group grabbing of Lili and almost carried her to the elevator, while she muttered curses to Lucy.

"Enjoy it. These are the last days you are free. You have to enjoy them without Lei's nagging," Mimi shouted in Japanese and got out of the elevator.

"As if he was ever nagging me," Lili mumbled and let herself be dragged into a huge limo. When they got inside, Lili noticed a few empty bottles already. No wonder they were so eager to go to the club. They were all drunk already.

Lili nodded at the driver as she knew him and was actually glad someone would take care of them. Jiaer was the perfect bodyguard for it.

They arrived before a club that had a guy in front of the entrance, obviously ready for them. He was pretty handsome, tall, dark, and had a nice face. His body was a bit on the heavy side, but it made him more handsome than the other way. Like, maybe it was all muscles underneath the suit. Just like Lei was.

"Hello, Miss Park. Yixing already told me about your visit. Congratulations," he explained and reached out for a handshake. Nicol grabbed his hand instead and glued herself to his side.

"Hey handsome, do you have a girlfriend?" she said and Lili bit her lip. This was precisely what she meant by specific behavior. She wasn't sleeping around, but if she had the possibility, she would. Nikol had standards and in her work, they were mostly older people working in the government. Which was not up to her standards.

"Let's go. I'm sorry," Lili grabbed Nikol and tore off her from the obviously confused owner. Yet his confused face soon changed into a smile.

"No, no problem. And no, I don't have a girlfriend." He winked at Nikol, who started giggling as if she were sixteen, not twenty-two.

"This won't end well," Lili muttered to herself, but Lucy heard her and hit her on the back with such force that Lili almost choked on her own breath.

"It will be fun, just let it go and have fun," Lucy exclaimed over the music that played loud, but not loud enough so they heard themselves. They were led to the VIP section of the bar, which was on the upper balcony, looking down at the people on the dance floor.

"No, I still don't think it is a good idea," Lili said now loud enough and in English so everyone would hear. But instead, she was given a tiara and a sash, together with one shot of something in a test tube and a cocktail in her free hand.

"It's okay. Yixing is really good friends with the owner who just welcomed us. He knows where to send us and that you have to be guarded in front of scum." Lucy gulped the test tube and gave Lili a second shot and made her drink it.

"I will say it for the last time. This will end very badly," she said, but nobody listened to her and gave her a new shot. This will be bad. And she knew her premonition would become reality.