Chapter 10: Hike to ♂️Dungeon♂️. Part 2

- ...

- ...

The energy from the ball dissolved into the air, causing the shards to lose their former color.

- What do we do now?

He stared at me angrily.

- What's wrong with you? It's your own fault if your hands grow out of your ass.

He pulled out his wand.

- A torch.

I didn't listen to him and moved toward the boss.

- Arividerci!

* Boom *

" Now we have to find the boss.

I moved leisurely through the nooks and crannies of the dungeon as I suddenly saw a glowing bracelet.

- Oh, another artifact.

[ Bracelet of Flame Magical Heart.

If the wearer can throw 'fireballs', they will also gain the 'spontaneous fireball' ability.

Charges remaining: 30.

Minimum level required: 31 ]

- *Sigh* Okay, well, I don't really need it. Maybe I'll sell it.

I took the artifact, and then the entrance opened.

- Finally, I've been in this dungeon for five minutes.

I went down in a second and saw a strange monster that looked remotely like Cthulhu's eye, but with tentacles.

[ Tentacle Spectator

Level 45 ]

- Another human?

- Because of you, I spent 5 minutes of my precious life in this dungeon that I could have spent sleeping!

A huge amount of Force began to come out of my body, lightning bolts began to strike in different directions.

- But considering I'm an immortal, it's not a big deal, but still, it's infuriating, you're only level 45 and I wasted my time. To make it up to me, you'll serve a good cause.

I've calmed down.

- П.

" I wonder what would happen if I hit him at top speed.

The monster tried to say something, but I was already circling around him.

The walls of the dungeon and everything around me began to blur, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see.

"I think that's enough.


* Boom *

[ UR. 45 (Tentacled Spectator)


Experience Points gained: 100, 340 ]

- ... Hmm, there's nothing left of him. Not even blood. Well, at least they gave me experience, so now I can go back.

I calmly headed away from the dungeon, and after a second, I reached the exit.

- Hmm, something's missing. But what is it?

Well, if I can't remember, it doesn't matter.

I left the dungeon.

Ω POV Atis Ω

- I've been walking in circles for the last hour, but I can't find the damn exit! And Kira's gone.

I saw Raud lying on the ground in another circle. He was in a terrible state, with dark scabs all over his arms and legs. It wasn't a good idea to approach him right now.

- Hey, Raud.

Black tentacles came out of his hands and grabbed me at once.

- Shit, I can't do it.

I tried to get out, but the grip was too strong.

"And there's no way to reincarnate, because of the narrow walls of the dungeon.

Ω Back to the main character Ω

Two minutes had passed since my return from the dungeon. And I immediately decided to eat.

At the moment I was finishing my pancakes, very strange pancakes, it seemed to me that they were even moving.

"Need to sleep.

- The bill, please.

- Here you go.

- Uh, uh.

"Oh, I remember. I forgot to bring money!

So I quickly ran to get my stash.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

Thanks to my speed, no one noticed. Afterwards, I decided to go back to the hotel, because I had a lot to do tomorrow.

"Now I can sleep.

I wrapped the blanket around me and made myself comfortable, and closed my eyes, replaying today's moments.

- Hmm, so Atis was still there... But I got too comfortable on the bed... It's hard... It's hard... What should I do? Maybe he'll get out on his own, he had a high level. * Yawn * But mom said not to leave people behind. Oh, well, I guess I can do it in a couple minutes.

ΩΩ In the dungeon ΩΩ

A moment later, I found Atys. Apparently, he had decided to have some fun with Raud's tentacles.

" I didn't know Raud was capable of such a thing, but his eyes are closed for some reason. Apparently that tentacle monster infected him.

- Atys, I know it's the age of transition and all, but don't you think it's a bit much?

- Pom-

He didn't get a chance to speak, because the tentacle wanted to crawl into his mouth.

"What an abomination.

But I kept watching.

- Hey, Raud, calm down.

- It's no use, he's unconscious.

- A very long yawn was worth a try. Okay, time to wrap this up.

"I think that's enough of a slap.

Calmly approaching him at high speed, I gave him a flick.

* Click *

* Boom *

His body immediately went limp and his breathing was cut off.

" I wonder if killing people gives you experience?

I looked at Atis.

- Thank you.

- A*zevok*ga, let's go.

- You're not taking him?

- No way, he's gonna touch me with his tentacles. Gross. You can carry it yourself if you want.

He looked at Raud's tentacles, then at his body. He was filled with doubt.

- I've already killed the boss, so there won't be any new monsters. And why bother?

- Uh-huh," Atis answered uncertainly.


When I was losing a boss battle, he put his tenacles in my limbs, but, suddenly he was distracted by something and I escaped, overpowered by the immense pain, but not comparable to that blow.

After walking a couple of meters, consciousness faded completely and I dropped dead.