Chapter 12: What is it?

- At the hotel.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick.

"What was it? A nightmare? Okay, I'll drink some water and go to bed, I need to keep my sleep schedule.

Calmly heading towards the table with various things, I began to drink leisurely.

"It's a good habit to leave water on the table, I've had it since I was a kid.

* Squeak *

Someone was moving into my room again, and it was cold again.

"Oh, no, I'm not Vanga to predict the future.

It stopped at the door. No more sounds. Not even a breath.

" Tense.

I grabbed my swords and created an Electroball, the size of a soccer ball, in my left hand.

" If it happens again, I'll just destroy everything.

Five minutes passed.

As I dispelled the Electroball, I thought about it:

"I'm getting sleepy, and it's still standing outside the door. Suddenly I had the brilliant idea to find out who it was.

- Atis, is that you?

- ......... Yeah, can I come in?

" Fuck it.

- Go fuck yourself.

- Get out.

- No, fuck you!

- Come out, please.

" ... Some kind of weird situation, this isn't a typical monster.

- No, what are you?

- Atys.

- ... What is my name?

- Kira Yoshikage.

" Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hard, hard, hard, and what to do? It probably ate Atis and absorbed his memories.

- Can you let me in?

- Nah, fuck you.

- How about now?

There was already a sweet voice outside the door that belonged to who knows who.

- I'm going to come out and kick your ass!

- Yeah, yeah! Come out! - answered a woman's voice, or at least that's what it sounded like to me.

- Fuck you, bitch.

" So what do we do now? We'll have to wait for morning and the regimen will be disrupted. But falling asleep with a monster at the door is definitely not a good idea.

- You want a blow job? Oral? Anal?

" ... What the fuck? Some fucking monster.

- Maybe ... - came the voice of a loli.

" I'm wondering what kind of creature it is anyway. After all, it is capable of copying voices and probably a body. Since I can feel a figure, but I can't figure out what it is.

- If you open the door, I'll spare you," the monster said in a girl's voice.

- So much for your nature. No way. I read scary stories when I was a teenager, and I know that if I open the door, you'll eat me.

- Okay, I'm leaving," said a woman's voice.

There were footsteps, but the aura didn't move.

" Fucking hell, I don't even want to imagine it. It's creepy. The distant footsteps are there, the movement is not.

It's been 30 minutes.

"It doesn't say anything anymore, just waits for me to open the door. It's still about two hours till dawn. Man, why did I wake up so early. After sunrise, I'll have to go see a fortune teller, hmm, wait, are there any around here?

- Why don't you get out already?

- No, I don't want to.

- It's been almost two hours--

- Get out already.

- * Yawn * Nah.

- I'm not going to let you go, I'll come every night, and sooner or later, you'll open ♡ ♡ ♡ ," the creature said in a sweet voice and disappeared. It simply vanished.

"Perhaps teleportation. Now we can sleep.

I laid down in bed and fell asleep instantly.

- A few hours passed -

* Knock * * Knock *

- Who's there?

- It's me, Athis.

"Hmm, yes, that's him, by the aura.

I got up, dressed leisurely, and opened the door.

- Nightmare?

When I looked in the mirror, I was met with a tired look.

- Uh-huh.