Chapter 13: Reunion

- At the fortune teller's.

- You are destined to die today, my dear," said the fortune-teller.

"I expected something like that, because the arrival of a creature that could copy my voice and lure me out was definitely not a good sign.

- ... Um, is there any way to prevent this?

" Supposedly, fortune tellers get information from the dead, maybe I'll get lucky, because if this creature has already killed someone, a dead person might give some information. It's too crazy.

- Nah, you'll die tonight," the grandmother said with a smile on her wrinkled face.

" I wonder if there are young fortune tellers? Wait, I'm going the wrong way.

- ... Hmm, well, I'll be off then," I handed over the money and walked out of the small booth.

- Outside--

- What was your fortune told? - Atis asked curiously.

- That I would die today.

- ... О... Oh. Well, I'm sorry.

- Yeah, thanks.

- At the restaurant--

- You don't seem to care much," Atys said.

- I know roughly what I'm going to die from, and I'll try to prevent it. And now I can get high," I leaned back in my chair.

- That's peace.

- I may not look like a coward, but I have a few dozen emergency plans.

- Isn't that a little much?

- No, it's fine. Thanks to that, I saved my life more than once while I was in the mountains," I replied, continuing to eat.

"While you were in the mountains...

- At the inn, at night--

Now I'm standing by the door, waiting for that creature to finish it off... At least I'll try.

" You need to let go of fear, it's just a deterrent that often limits people. I just need to get over it, that's all. It's not that hard, is it? And if I can't, I'll run away.

* Squeak *

Something moved toward my room door again, taking its time, knowing it had plenty of time to accomplish its task.

* Squeak *

It stopped at the opposite side, no breathing, not even a heartbeat.

" Could it be an undead? How does it get in here unnoticed? Okay, that's not something that should concern me right now. Just one skill and this will be over.

- Out.

The monster began his tedious speech that he would never finish.

"Extermination! - I mentally shouted.

[ Gaining 1,500,000 experience ]

" Whoa, not bad, not a wasted effort.

Hundreds of blows went through the door, cutting through the defenseless monster. Lowering my gaze, I saw the remains of the door and that creature as suddenly:

" Hmm, my heart started to stop.... What the hell? I'll have to use the Force.

It started beating again, without any problems.

- Cardiac arrest, not bad, but it won't work on me. It's kind of like the Gorgon.

The monster was a black slime, but with eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth, like a dentist's.

- Now we can see why no one came out last night.

* Knock * * Knock *

It's been ten seconds, and I haven't even heard a rustle.

* Squeak *

The door opened quietly, either it was unlocked or I'd broken the lock...

" Sleeping.

- Atys!

I shouted directly into his ears but nothing happened, he was still asleep as well.

" Apparently some kind of magic, well, or he likes to sleep. I'll have to check on someone else.

# It's been a few minutes #

- Everyone. Asleep! Apparently it's another monster ability, where did it come from? But I won't find out now... I'm going to sleep.

# It's been hours #

I couldn't get to sleep, thinking about this super-genius idea of hitting my brain with the Force. For some reason I couldn't remember what had happened before I got to the Mountains, even the days in the Mountains, it was all very vague.

I created two electric bolts in both palms of my hands and prepared myself.

"Kind of scary, I hope I don't fall back.

* Boom *

# It's been a few seconds #

" It's kind of scary, I hope I don't fall off.

* Boom *

# It's been a few seconds #

- What's my name, my name? Whoa, what the hell?! The only thing I remember is being hit in the head with an electric ball.... Hmm, I'll try again.

* Boom *

- Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh?! Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!

* Boom *

- クソ,一体何なの?!

* ♪ Boom ♪

- Parents, friends, manhwa, I remember everything. Because of the time I spent in that hell, my mind closed many memories for some reason.

I started concentrating to look at everything that was forgotten.

- So I'm in the Sword King, yes. Not the worst place I could have been sent to. But why? I mean, I was alive, I could be in cardiac arrest, but I've been doing cardio, so it's unlikely, although... Given the way I've been eating.

I had a lot of thoughts raging in my head, a lot of things to think about, but right now, that's all that matters:

- All this time I was having fun instead of finding answers to my questions. I had even abandoned my ideology of self-improvement in favor of fun.

I quietly got out of bed and started packing the few belongings I had.

- From here on out, I would continue on my journey.

Walking out of the tavern, I started to scatter.

"This feeling is truly exhilarating, a tremendous power and speed that the average person will never achieve, and can only dream of. With this, you can get what many people desire, power, but it's not a priority, there are a couple things to finish before that.

* ♪ Boom ♪

I stood on the edge of the cliff, enjoying the scenery.

- In that world, I'd probably be a father by now, babysitting, or a forty-year-old virgin. But here, I'm practically immortal, with the ability to improve and enjoy life to the fullest, and then maybe become a god. It's perfect.

The sun was slowly rising over the horizon, warming the cool ground with its rays.

- How long until the next level?

[ 54,118,986,031 experience ]

* [ Sighs ]

- Now we can start improving," I said with a smile and jumped off the cliff, straight into the raging sea.

# In the tavern, morning #

# Knock # # Knock # # Knock #

- # Yawn # Hmm, still asleep or something.

I've been getting a lot of sleep the last few days.

* Squeak *

There was none of the usual clutter on the table, nothing at all. Even the room itself looked like it hadn't been lived in.

- That's odd.

# Somewhere very far away #

# Boom #

A huge octopus flew out of the water and crashed into a rock, followed by a glowing ball of light.
