Chapter 14: Charybdis

# It's been n time #

# Boom #

I flew out from under the water at great speed, revealing a Kraken-like creature that wanted to devour me.

- That's disgusting! - I threw an electric ball the size of a small house at it.

(10,000,000 experience gained)

After running through the water to the island, I began to think about what to do next, as I was getting tired of all the commotion.

- Maybe I should follow the story instead of going anywhere? It seems that a skeleton mage should appear there soon. Well, I'll sleep, and on a fresh head, I'll think again.

I fell asleep instantly.

# It's been ten hours #

I was lying on a sword in the air, anchored by force, 20 meters high.

- # Yawning # # My head's a bit sore, I must have slept too much, I need to freshen up. #

I soaked my head in the ocean as I suddenly felt a powerful current rushing towards somewhere.

"Hmm, interesting.

I jumped 2 kilometers up, seeing a huge whirlpool in the distance. Just unrealistically huge, when I focused my vision, I realized the reason for its presence.

In the center of the maelstrom was a huge mouth of some terrifyingly gigantic creature.

"We've got to get closer.

When I landed on the same island, I sat down and waited for the current to carry me to the whirlpool.

- I'll get something to eat.

I found a strange fruit on a tree, looking like a coconut, just as hairy and round. When I hit it softly, it cracked, and inside it was a red mass.

- Hmm, is it really edible?

I scooped the insides of the fruit into a large wooden spoon and put it in my mouth.

- Mmm-hmm-hmm.

I began to taste the fruit with every receptor on my tongue to fully understand the flavor. And after a few seconds, I was done.

- Reminds me of strawberries, only sweeter. It's not bad, I should grab a couple of them.

# It's been a minute #

- I think 50 will do.

The huge bag was full, intending to burst at any moment.

- Hmm, I'll have to eat some.

# Five more minutes later #

The bag was half empty.

- Great, now I'll see what's up with the whirlpool.

I walked to the shore and saw a huge maw that was sucking in water and whatever was in it.

[ Race: Charybdis

Level: 200 ]

- Something new. Eh, well, at least the level is high.

I created an electroball the size of a small mountain, I think it should be enough for such a huge thing.

- I'm starting to get a headache again, I should have built a smaller one.

The electroball slowly flew into the creature's mouth, intending to blow it into thousands of pieces, if not millions.

* Boom *

Nothing changed, the monster didn't even move, which was strange. It was like it didn't even care about the massive explosion. The island was already in the vortex, about to fall into the creature's mouth.

- All right, I'll just cut all the insides out.

And the island swallowed Charybdis' mouth.

- It's very dark and smells terrible. We have to hurry.

I ran down the creature's presumed throat, aiming to reach the heart and other organs, the destruction of which would kill the creature.

Ten seconds later, I saw a huge chunk of meat that was throbbing at breakneck speed.

- There's the heart. It's strange that there aren't any parasitic monsters here. I guess I've been watching too many movies.

As I drew my swords, intending to use Annihilation, I was washed away by an incredibly powerful stream of water.

" I can see why there aren't any.

I stuck my swords into the creature's tissue and stopped.

- The headache had made me lose concentration, I needed to pull myself together.

After a second, I stood at the heart again and immediately attacked.

- Extermination! Extermination! Extermination! Extermination! Extermination!

The originally huge heart, turned into thinly sliced sashimi.

- Hmm, where's the experience? That can only mean one thing, this creature has more than one heart. *(Sighs) It's so painful.

I ran again in search of other hearts.

# It's been one minute #

[100,000,000 experience gained]

- Charybdis had as many as 16 hearts. Considering how huge the carcass was, one heart would definitely not be enough, though if it was going to be huge....

I ran through the tangled insides of the creature, which was beginning to gradually sink, and jumped out of its mouth, landing on the water.

" Now we can get back to the plot, but before we do, there are a few things to check out.

[ 32,010,899,567 experience to new level ]

" Not bad.


Somewhere in a dark space.

- @₽#&₽@#&! - screamed a godlike entity.