6. Open Belofte


(Adeline's part of the story)

The sun had risen for the new day but it had not been different to a night in the north of Petra. This was so because the vampires understood their limitations and they built their coven as an enemy to light.

And it does not matter the time of the day or the time of the night, it shall always be dark in their home.

Their home which they called coven was indeed a tall tower and a large house built with dark bricks. Their windows were in the day blinded by the thickest wood and at night, opened for fresh air.

At every corner of the coven were candlesticks to light up the whole building and make it equally beautiful.

The originals in the coven have their rooms but not the turns who shall most times be on the mission and their job remains to bring the harvest to the coven.

Not that these harvests are eaten by the turns, or by any original. They were always eaten by the elders: Theodore and Cora only as they had been saddled with the responsibility to only sit on the throne and rule except when necessary.

The harvest was a term used to have blood for fetch from humans. In this strength, each turns will be with their bags on every mission and once they had their victim and eaten from their neck, they fetched the remaining to keep for the elders.

They must also infect their victim once they have been drained of blood. For each time the vampire must grow in population and the humans must be reduced until all of them are infected.

As frozen as Adeline had been thus in the open belofte, she had suddenly started to notice an old book in a large hole in the wall.

Though she knew not who had kept it there. Many vampires in the past had been imprisoned in the open belofte and many had indeed burned to ashes in the open belofte as the result of the sunlight.

As much as she had tried to pick the book from the hole the ray of the sun penetrated the end of the cave thus preventing her from picking it.

The more she tried by stretching her hand through the ray, the more she was burnt and she would quickly pull away.

Vampires burn so quickly. Such was evident with Adeline as soon as she put her hand through the ray of the sunlight, the flesh that covered her hand had already changed into a dark and her bone was almost revealing.

When she regenerated, she tried again until she heard a voice that penetrated through the iron door.

"The sun is one good toy to play with, do you agree?"

It was Cyrus and his voice had been nothing more but more torture to her.

One thing she knew was that he had not come to have the noble conversation with her. He had been like that ever since he was a child. He had always enjoyed having to mock her and worse as she had always been the one to be in the awkward situation.

"One thing I'd like to do in my lifetime is fuck in that cave. I heard the moans will travel down to the whole of Petra…you know…fucking the.."

"Shut the fuck up Cyrus" she interrupted.

"What do you want?" Adeline asked as she walked to the corner of the cave only to squeeze herself in it and stared at him through the iron bars in the door.


(Adam's part of the story)

In the camp of the Vam hunters, Adam had been the first to have risen from sleep among his hunters and also the first to step out of his tent.

It was so that the Vam hunters were free to have pleasure in their tent. Even the working clock gets the time to rest when the battery fails. That was their proverb and what they held onto when their dicks began to shoot longer than their zips.

In this sense, Edith and Barnabas were drunk since the previous night they arrived at the camp to celebrate life once again. They invited a few harlots among them.

These hookers as the term they called them in the camp of the Vam hunters had their brothel also in the south of Petra.

As the time passed, many of these hookers in their mansion had been turned by the bloodsuckers but that did not mean they would close down their business.

That they must eat and be able to satisfy their debts kept them working and more so, "nowhere is safe in Petra. If you have been destined to be turned, you will be turned." That was also their belief.

As drunk as Edith had been and also Barnabas, they had been with the hookers they welcomed among them and satisfy their hunger for sex.

Through the night they gave no slumber to their eyelids and at dawn, they began to sleep away their tiredness.


"Get away from me Cyrus. You want nothing but the mockery of me." Adeline blurted out as she remained in the corner she squeezed herself into and Cyrus yet stood with laughter on his cheek.

The longer he stood, Adeline had not said any more words to him. But he yet stood and watched her and remained happy for it satisfied him to see her in pain.

"She wants you" One of the turns delivered a message to Cyrus and immediately, he shot his gaze away from Adeline as he left.

When his presence vanquished from there, Adeline knew for certain that he would come back just after he would be done with what he had gone to attend to.

She at this moment put more effort into grabbing the book she saw in the hole. No doubt, she was curious about what can be written inside of the book.

The more she put in more effort to pass through the ray, she was burnt again and again until the sun blinked for a second and she with her speed grabbed the book and sped back into the corner she was before.

This book was an old book, and it had been there for a longer period than anyone can imagine. This was tellable by Adeline as the book had fed itself with dust and indeed, its appearance had been of the old.

When Adeline lifted it with her left hand, she could feel the weight of the book more than when she was lifting it with both hands.

"What are you?' She muttered.

Verily, Adeline had not seen a book which looked like that before. She also had not been worried but only curious since she understood the book had been of the old.

Among the humans of Petra were different scholars who had written according to their beliefs. Some had even written about the Vampires and called them the devil's possessed but all of these had not mattered.

This book looked older than those books that were written by any of these scholars. Such was the design on the book with a strange symbol of the letter A and the design around the border of the book was that of a snake with its head at the right edge of the book.

As soon as Adeline heard a footstep coming towards the door of the open belofte, she had quickly hidden the book into her dress and pretended to be squeezed in her previous position.

Her guess was right. It was Cyrus again.

"Take Her!" He ordered.

As his command must be answered, the turns with him held Adeline to her feet and brought her out of the open belofte.

"Where are you taking me?" Adeline persisted again and again but no answer was given and they kept following the lead of Cyrus who was now leading them towards the dark hall.

The fact that Adeline had been the daughter of the elders, she of course knew so much about the building and she knew what ended the dark hall.

"At least, you will not die from the striking sunlight sister. And you can fantasise about your love and pleasure in this beautiful home." Cyrus smirked in triumph.