7. Secret in Open

At the end of the dark hall was the room they called the sleeping basket. This was where the erring originals were made to sleep for many years if they caused more trouble among the rest of the originals.

This was what happened to their uncle, Elijah, who was forcefully sent to sleep by Theodore, his junior brother after he became the elder of Vampire as the wish of their father.

It would happen that when an original was stabbed through the heart with the wooden cross, he shall fall into a deep sleep. What they call death and be placed inside the coffin until the cross shall be removed from their heart and he shall wake.

According to history, Elijah had been forced to sleep for more than five hundred years and likely be made to sleep forever for his sin had been treason against the throne of his brother.

The Originals were somewhat immortal except they had been burnt to ashes by the sun or their heart had been removed. Nothing else can be able to kill them. Not even the ashes of the curse nor the holy water which only affects the turns.

"Why have you brought me here?" Adeline asked but not a good response she received only a caricature of her voice by Cyrus who made a laugh out of her voice and fear.

'See you in another century!" Cyrus sneered.

But the daughter of the elder yet proclaimed weak cannot be undermined of her energy as she already set herself loose by her resistance to being stabbed by the wooden cross and she bit the ones who held her captive.

Blurry she sped even in the dark hall as Cyrus watched as she scrambles for her escape.

"Nowhere you can run, sister. You are in the coven and your punishment will only triple for disobedience. Your punishment. Well... if not death!" Cyrus confessed nonchalantly as he purposely grew his fang and his eyes turned black.

"This move is worth admiration Sister, at least now, you will be able to prove yourself again as a weakling," Cyrus mocked as he opened his teeth wider and made some irritating sound.

"I will enjoy the taste of your blood." He professed.

Even though he was ready for a fight, he was not granted his expectation as Adeline had not only kept mute against his words but also sped away through the other side of the hall.

"Let her go!" Theodore ordered from behind as Cyrus chased her.

"Father, it is day and she cannot make it out. I can still catch up with her" Cyrus insisted as he turned to look at Theodore.

"She is my daughter! '' Theodore groaned.

"Let the sun glorify her death. I will not have you tarnish your hands with her blood." He frowned.

Theodore was such a grand elder who does not act on emotion. Being that he had lived since the stone age, he had been able to master his heightened emotions. His sadness and happiness cannot thus again be his weakness but strength since he thinks before he acts.

Even though Cyrus had been ordered to halt his pursuit of Adeline. He had not been contended with the sun causing his sister's death. He wanted so much to be the reason Adeline would cease to exist but there had been nothing he could do.

To disobey his father meant treason and it was punishable by the same punishment given to Adeline.

"Go into the gathering, your mother awaits you to give missions to the pawns," Theodore instructed as he now walked away slowly laying his hand upon another on his buttocks.

Since it was still day, it had not been possible for Adeline to escape the coven as she only hid in the abandoned room and quietly, she hoped she had not been found lest she would be killed either by the sun or forcibly evacuating her heart.

But the order of Theodore prevailed and no one had looked for her, not even Cyrus. All turns gathered in the upper building and around Cora who stood thus in their midst.

The opening of the door to the gathering caused a little distraction as Cyrus entered.

Beside Cora was Geraldine, the newest member of the turns as Cora had infected her into their population. This was neither a shock to Cyrus nor an amusement to him as it was expected.

Verily, Geraldine would be among the pawns to be sent out into the city to harvest for the coven. Cyrus kept looking at her as her hand was held by Cora and he walked slowly up to them.

"For thus the sake of the elders, who are my father and mother and the craving of the coven and the strength of the original, for ours is to rule, speed into the city and any humans you see, harvest them as food and their body as the population. For each who falls shall be left in the sun to be burnt into ashes without any remorse from the coven''

Cyrus as he was done talking received the hands of Geraldine whom his mum had given to him. For she was just turned and her balance had continued to fail her.

First, she was made to feed on one of the turns and when she had been satisfied, among the others she was thrown.

"The mission had not exempted you too" Cyrus blurted.

Screeching sounds of their foot; to and fro and faster and faster had been what caused fear for Adeline yet in her hiding. If it was in her power, she would have escaped the whole of the north by now.

But when all the new turns were gone from the coven. The elders and Cyrus and the old turns were left in the whole coven.

This made the coven be as still as the peaceful lake and not a sound was made except for distant moans and whispers.

Adeline brought out the book again and stared at it for another minute. The design of the book was enough to make a person curious about the content in the book.

"For what meaning is the snake around the border of the book" Adeline questioned herself again. She also at this moment gently placed her finger around the letter A and felt it.

Once she placed her hand on the book, she felt something strange happen to her. And by this, she had been convinced the book was not ordinary yet old.

The shock that the book drew her close like a river calling to her to fall made her immediately drop the book and she started breathing heavily.

As much as she would prefer to stay away from the book, her curiosity led her to pick it up again and again, she placed her hand on the cover and felt a stronger wave of the book.

[Open… Open... Adeline… Open]

A whisper from nowhere but closely into her ears she heard. This had not frightened her though, for the whisper had not intended to scare her.

Once she opened the book as she heard the voices again and more closely this time, she had not seen any written document inside the book. What she saw was a vision which began to tell her a story.