8. The Beginning


(Adam's part of the story)

"She is of the old" Adam announced to the rest of the Vam hunters as they were gathered among themselves in their camp.

"Why do you think they are the old, pump head?" Edith asked hurriedly.

"Talk now fuck it!" He cursed, as he mocked Adam with his laugh which caused even Barnabas his jeer.

"Look at this cloak, what do you see? You may see an ordinary cloak but look at the design. An eagle? What does that say?" Adam questioned all of them at once. But not a response he received which seemed to him that he was starting to make sense.

"Why do you think we were incapable of her? Why do you think we could not take her into captivity and kill her like the rest of her kind we have killed." Adam queried again.

Like before, all he heard even now was the chirp the birds made in the tree but this had not lasted for long before Frederick opened his mouth for the first time since the gathering of them that morning.

"So, how do we kill it?" He inquired.

"Easy now soldier, we don't kill it yet until we are sure what it is. I mean, She… she... is different from the other...others. She is capable of thought and calmness. She handed me a cloak to cover my shield. Can't you see?" Adam asked once again.

But that a bloodsucker handed him a cloak had not meant anything to them. Their oath comes first and the people of Petra, they must protect even at the cost of their own life.

"Remember your oath, soldier." Barnabas backed up his words of Frederick as they all left his face.


(Adeline's part of the story)

The vision Adeline saw was such that she was in the story herself as it felt like she walked among the people of the past and the voice continued to whisper into her ears.

According to the voice, there was a time when even the family of the first vampires were human. The first grand elder who happened to be their grandfather was living a normal life with his happy wife and children.

His only responsibility was to look after his wife and father and his three children. But on a certain night, his last dear child was butchered by a kid whose shape-shifted into a wolf and he saw the devil in the moonlight.

There was nothing he could do other than run for his own life. When it was day, every other person in the village was dead. The devil had killed them all. This made him take his wife and his remaining two children to seek the witch in the mountain.

Such a vow he took to take responsibility for the safety of his family. The witch made them the portion and also slaughtered the sacrifice that they may become a protection for themselves but another devil of the night they all became.

But they must be warned that they became immortal and nothing can be able to kill them. They cannot procreate except when they are ready to accept the limitations of the kind they have become.

This, their father accepted. For what good is immortality if their children cannot have children. He received the limitation of death and they can only die when they pluck out their heart. This was in exchange for procreation.

But another beast was Elijah. For he turned into the same devil who killed his brother and their father started to hate him and called him an abomination and he sent him away from them and made Theodore: his little brother an elder over him.

And the father and the child and the wife can walk in the sun. For the sun was not their enemy and the wooden cross cannot affect them until the wife was hungry and visited the witch to satisfy her hunger.

No matter how she tried, the witch already knew what came to her and she had already changed herself into a hut so no one would be able to feed on her and she laid a curse on the originals. "For hatred shall prevail among them and the sun shall be their enemy. Such will their limitation continue to fester until the day all their powers shall cease to exist."

To redeem from this curse, the hut must return herself to her original form and bless the ones she had cursed. But it cannot be made possible for the witch then kill herself in the hut and the hut cannot be transformed again to her.

After all of this, Adeline was conscious of her vision and the light glowing from the book became dull. The book also closed itself and Adeline felt anew.

She felt knowledge injecting her skin and at once she knew everything from the very beginning and what led the originals to be afraid of the sun. Also, she knew somewhat how to correct what had been cursed.

She also knew how best to find the hut and how to plead with the hut to cure her curse. And yes, she knew the main words to speak that can make the hut give her the audience.

Even though the witch killed herself in the hut as she was in the hut, Adeline knew she lived forever in the hut and indeed could speak and could cure the curse.

When it was night, and the coven was less strict with security, she revealed herself from her hiding and crunched until she found her way out of the building.

In the city of Petra, more death has been exalted to the name of the turns and more humans have been infected into being a bloodsucker.

Geraldine being a turned was one of those to bring the harvest. And at this time she knew nothing than her thirst for blood. She had sped into the home of a farmer and his wife who had just recently given birth to a baby.

For the weird sounds that prevailed in the night, the farmer and the wife knew what was happening in the city of Petra and this was what kept them latched in their house.

But that they were locked in their house does not mean they could not be found and this, as quickly as Geraldine could not be noticed, she muddied in speed into their home and stood first behind the farmer who kept looking out the window to confirm the turns had not found their way in.

In his view, he saw how many of the people who lived next to them were being sucked from the neck and others were already turned and they looked for other prey to feed on.

That night was a night of bloodbath and he wished from the heart that he could escape Petra with his family forever without looking back.

He also wished the Vam hunters were already there to save them from the deadly night. That once they come, there will be some level of hope.

"Rebbeca, Rebecca, stop the screeching, they will hear us!" The farmer whispered from the spot he stood looking out the window and he hoped Rebbeca, who was his wife, would hear him.

But it was not Rebbeca, she had already hidden in the cubicle in the underground with her baby. All that the Farmer heard was the sound of Geraldine who was thus hungry and needed to feed.

The moment he looked back and he saw what was behind him. The amount of fear which gripped him was not as much as the one that would have grabbed him when they found his baby. If he will be the only one to be dead it would be satisfactory to him at least.

"Wait! I know you. You are the girl from down the street." He said to Geraldine even as fear wore him from head to toe.

He was indeed right. Geraldine was the girl who used to live in the same street as the farmer. Though she and the farmer had not been friends, it was so that Aponi did send Gelradine to them to present them with a gift for each season.

The last time Aponi had sent her, she had come to give them chocolate and cakes because it was Christmas.

This did not mean it was only Aponi who did send them gifts. They always reciprocate each time and Rebbeca a few times had invited Aponi and her family to dinner.

"Let me go, I have a child" The farmer pleaded.

"Pl...please" He subbed as he looked into her eyes and saw that she had not listened to any of his pleas.