25. The time of the Turns


It was still yet the night and Geraldine's hand was raised above the turns. Not a cheer or some sort of hurray was given. The turns remained mute and waited for an order that commanded them forward.

This did not mean the turns were against Gelradine, it was just simply their nature to be nonchalant about these things.

At this moment, Cyrus also sped into the mansion and up to the tower following Theodore.

"Find me where they are, their home, their comfort zone, and bring the news back to me," Cora ordered.

Geraldine obeyed and instantaneously together with the rest of the pawns left and sped into the total searching.

It did not mean all the turns were searching for the witches at this moment. It only meant a few of the turns were selected and Gelradine being the leader of all turns went into the search leading them.

Through the woods, through the houses, through the darkness, everything they searched, they could not figure any sign of the witches anywhere in the south. So, they headed west.

With their maximum speed, they arrived in the west in some hours because they were in no condition to take a rest and they shall only do according to the bid of the elders.

This would not be that when they see meals, they will not hunt as blood becomes what they perceive at the moment.

It was true that the west of Petra experienced the least havoc and brutality of the vampires not because anything was hidden but because the vampires were moving in a sequence.

This was such that the originals in their ravage period focused on the east for many years until the people began migration and many more people feared dead.

But at the time they began to render their brutality to shorten the lives of the people of south Petra. This was primarily to help the people shorten their burden of living longer to become a living dead and to serve them accordingly.

The originals with this strength saw the need to fester in numbers but none could be as powerful as them. For a turn or human to become an original, they needed the help of the witch who killed herself in the hut but the dead cannot be found.

Also, as a reason of their rage among other reasons they burnt all of the witches at the temple of livee. This made them the only principality of Petra.


Geraldine hushed up their movements as they perceived the scent that travelled to them. They waited in the darkness only for the young lady to make her pass when she had not seen them.

Even that had not meant they would let her go without tasting her delicious blood. With this motive, Gelradine sped through the darkness and the rest of the turns became in the same manner as her.

The lady heard the strange sound which quickly shrunk into quietness.

When she looked back and could not see anything, she continued walking down in the direction of her house.


The lady was one of the popular ladies of the west of Petra. She was well known for her cheerleading at games and festivals and also for her beautiful face.

Every young man of Petra had easily admired her and many of course have confessed their love for her but she declined because according to her, her heart belonged with someone else.

As at this unfriendly period of the night she had only gone out of her house to excrete her uneasiness while she would head back into her house to lay her rest.

The west was different from the south or the ruin east. Though the day chameleon to the deepest night, and everyone settled down for the night resting their eyes, it had not been dangerous not even from the wide animals roaming in the woods and certainly not dangerous from the vampires who were almost not in existence in the west.


Again, there was the strange sound behind her and this time, it was continuous but when she turned to look behind her and sauntered her eyes around through the dark woods, she had not been able to capture the right figure of a person. All that she could see was the glimpse of movement in and out of the trees.

She became overwhelmed by fear and she started running in the direction of her house. Her thought had been that, if she could find her way into her house, she could then at least study what was moving in and out of the tree in such a fast fashion.

But her thought had not come true because, of a sudden, Geraldine had revealed herself by double-crossing her just at her door.

The lady was indeed shocked, totally afraid that her breath had ceased. She began to walk back slowly and nervously.

Even though Geraldine had not moved at all, she was only standing still at the door, her eyes already turned raven and her nails were already hardened into claws.

At this moment, the lady started to run again. If only she could escape and because of her fear, she was still screaming and running at the same time when another of the turns blocked her way again.

This was a male turned who revealed his dog teeth and black eyes. His veins also crafted a soft map on his face and his claws already grew out of his fingers.

At this moment when the lady looked back, hoping to change directions and get away from this situation, Geraldine got close to her and the rest of the turns were behind Geraldine.

Without any kind of ceremony, or any words that could have explained the situation, they bounced on the lady and each one of them picked a part of her body to suck blood from until they had drained her of blood completely.

Since their little cravings were satisfied, Geraldine who was yet a virgin became heightened for sexual need and on one of the turns, she decided to explore the taste of it. She instantaneously speeds into the woods with him.

At the point at which she stopped, they stared at each other for a short while with their eyes which were still in blackness and their nails which still toughened. She at her fastest speed stung her teeth into his neck and he enjoyed it and he exhaled softly.