Immediately all the werewolves which muscled up against Adeline were fallen and she cast weakness upon them, this left only Reuven to pick a choice either to want to fight against her or come with her in agreement.
But Reuven did not disappoint his pack and even for himself, his order, he would execute.
With this strength, since he was already shapeshifted into his wolf, he jumped down from the small cliff he stood and began pacing slowly and dangerously at the witch.
If Adeline had thought Rueven would fight in his small wolf size, she lied as at this moment, and suddenly even to the amazement of Adeline, he increased in size, double of the size of the gamma wolves and to the size of a mighty gorilla.
No wolf can be able to do that except him and verily, that has been one of the very strengths he had and became an alpha which others lacked, even the zeta wolf.
His breathing became too loud and each step he took became as if the whole mountain was going to fall as rocks were already falling to the ground inside of the mountain.
But this did not mean Adeline was crippled by fear. In fact, she was still strong in her confidence and still remained in her position.
In her palm, there was still fire which made the environment visible so that her face would also be seen.
Reuven howled, and immediately he threw his mighty arm forward which was to hit Adeline in her stomach and made her fall, his punch only hit the thin air.
Reuven also did not feel disappointed. Again he threw another punch with another of his hand and at the same time, jumped. If the punch did not hit her, he would attack her by falling on her with his weight.
But at this moment, when his punch was almost touching her, she had vanished and he hit the air again.
"I have not come for war but for an alliance." She said even when she cannot be seen.
"Show yourself, witch," Reuven interrupted as he was looking around in search for her and that he would at once attack her.
"Here I am." Adeline reappeared closely behind him.
Quickly as she appeared, he had taken that chance to throw punches. When he turned to look behind him so that the punch would be directed to her face and he would mock the witch of her inability when he finally got her.
His intention could not be achieved. It was only a wish and it did not come into manifestation. The instant he threw the punch, Adeline already saw his state of mind and as well listened to his intention and she vanished as quickly again. This caused him to hit his fist against the thin air again and again.
But the longer this was going, Adeline was beginning to realise that she would need to attack if she wanted him to see her for who she indeed was.
But not by the use of magic she must show him she was a vampire by use of blood since they knew her to be one of the bloodsuckers.
At this instance, she reappeared at the extreme corner nearer to the greenery. After her reappearance, Reuven saw her at once since it was indeed where he was facing at the time.
He was then instantly speeding at maximum speed and strength against her but only this time, Adeline's eyes turned raven and her claws grew out instantly and she sped at a blurry speed up against Reuven.
Though Reuven's speed was also fast, it was not as fast as Adeline and he could not even catch the glimpse of what she was about to do.
When Adeline got to him, she quickly held him by the neck and lifted him even when he was the mightiest wolf.
All these, the pack saw and even when they wanted to help their alpha and save him from untimely death, they could not since they lacked the strength to stand, talk more to fight.
Everything they did then was to look and be surprised by what the witch could do and Adeline lifted him above the ground grabbing his neck to the bridge that went up the narrow way beside the deep fall.
When they were at the bridge. It was not Adeline's intention to have a discussion with him but only to throw him from the bridge which would almost cause his death.
This did not mean she threw him and waited. It only meant she threw him and followed after him and she did not let him fall inside the deep but on the ground and she opened her mouth and showed her fangs.
"I could kill you now and get away with it." She said,
At this moment, by the use of Adeline's magic, she transformed Reuven back to his human state.
He was surprised, he had never seen a witch that powerful against him before and indeed that he knew the enmity between the witch and the vampire he was starting to believe it was the bloodsucker who became the witch. But the question was now, "how did she?"
All the magic Adeline did since her appearance in the greenery using her energy thus, she became weak and unconscious and fell to the ground.
When this happened, the rest of the wolves she cast weakness on their bones suddenly regained their strength including the zeta wolf who now hopped into speed only to tear the witch apart using this golden opportunity.
Reuven ordered suddenly and Luka halted in his speed. Though everyone was surprised by Reuven's order to spare the witch's life, his order cannot be disobeyed.
"She is the bloodsucker and we shall make an alliance with her," he said.