39.  Vam hunters Dead?


Edith and the Vam hunters collapsed on the ground in endless agony and they struggled to grab Kitara's feet. Though Kitara did not kick any of them away, she did not also look at any of them with sympathy.

"Save … me, … ple … ase" Edith mumbled.

This did not mean Kitara looked at any of them because no matter how much he tried, she only remained calm and unyielding towards them.

Neither Adam nor Frederick also felt a level of sympathy or empathy for Edith and the rest of the Vam hunters because only Kitara's wish was their wish and only what pleased her satisfied them.

"Save me … ple … ase" Edith mumbled again and so did the rest of the Vam hunters behind him.

Suddenly, Kitara wore a crooked smile and looked down to see them. She also at this moment knelt beside the dwarf who remained in front of the rest of them.

She glided her middle finger with the sharp long nails on Edith's bald head and lifted his head with her other hand so that she would look at him.

Edith and the rest of the Vam hunters were still struggling with pain and also vomiting blood from their mouths but all of these did not matter to Kitara.

"Why should I save you?" Kitara asked in a gentle voice.

"You detected our goddess and forbade our ritual. In your thought, you condemned us and castigated your brothers." She concluded.

"Save .. m .. e," he pleaded again.

But Kitara did not respond. She only looked at him the most and with her fingers, she was now caressing the pedant's eyes on her neck.

"Reparo" [repairing spell] she said.

At this moment, the smoke clouding around Kitara went inside each of the remaining Vam hunters. The smoke penetrated into them through their nose, their ears and their eyes all at once.

After this moment, their endless pain was neutralised and their eyes turned black for a minute before they returned to their normal state.

Seeing this, Kitara stood up and led the way for everyone to leave the private chamber and return down the stairs and to the first floor of the temple.

Kitara was first at the front followed closely by the five redheads and the rest of the witches followed by Adam and Frederick and the rest of the vam hunters.

When they got to the first floor, by the use of Magic, Kitara changed the look of the temple to that of a beautiful bawdyhouse.

Seeing the inside of the temple with so many candles and the walls covered with beautiful curtains. The Vam hunters were pleased which included Adam and they waited for Kitara's order for what they should do next.

Suddenly, each of the Vam hunters found themselves holding a cup filled with wine and at this moment, the witches became bare, they pulled down their hooded garments and walked slowly toward each of them except Adam.

"Come!" Kitara said, looking dear at Adam as she beckoned to him with a finger.

This did not mean Adam was not pleased to be interrupted by Kitara because he was more than satisfied and he could not wish more than to adhere strictly to the words of his mistress.

When the five redheads got to Edith, Frederick and the rest, they kissed on their lips. But if they did this without first biting their lips, it was a lie.

With their teeth, they cut their lips and kissed on their blood which came out before they began to lock their tongues together.

The Vam hunter thought they felt a little pain as a result of this, but their sexual urge was bigger than a little pain and all they could do was render their foolish smile.

Their breathing was becoming intense and the sensation each of the Vam hunters felt was nothing they had felt before and now they became more ignited for affection and bonding.

Kitara and Adam were still watching each one of the five redheads and the Vam hunters as they enjoyed their pleasure. Each time each of the Vam hunters introduced a new position in lying with the witches, she laughed out loud.

"Give me your hand," She said gently.

Adam also had not waited for even a second before he offered her his hand. And when she received his hand, she slowly stretched it to her mouth and licked each of his fingers with her tongue.

Adam looked nothing more than satisfaction and happiness as he crafted a silly smile on his face and gracely licked his fingers as Kitara was done licking them.

During this period, each of the Vam hunters was looking silly like a cheshire cat but that had not been all. They all became bare and laid down on their backs even on the bare floor.

As each of the five redheads inserted into their vagina the Vam hunters' protruded dicks, their faces changed from the savour beauty to that of an ancient irritating cargo.

Their decayed teeth sprouted horrible smells and their mouths had torn lips. When they opened their mouths as they emitted enjoyable moans, their spit dropped on the Vam hunters' mouths and heads and bodies.

Their bodies were also being eaten by worms and maggots and each of these maggots fell on each of the Vam hunters when the redheads were thrusting upon their dicks.

None of them saw the real faces of these witches. All they saw were the beautiful ladies and the ones they would offer their lives for if need be.

And at each of their ejaculations, the sensation had been sweeter for the Vam hunters and they emitted loud satisfying moans. This did not mean they ejaculated into the witches even when that was what they saw.

It only meant their siemens evaporated like gas and travelled towards Kitara.

At this moment, Kitara began to mumble some strange words before she finally opened her mouth and the siemens she then swallowed into her stomach.

"It is done," she announced.