Adam and his men walked into the nearest street of west Petra as they walked out of the woods. He was walking slowly at the front and others were still behind him at the same pace.
At the first house, Adam lifted his hands after taking a long caution for any turns that may be charged at them from any angle and knocked thus on the door.
The door was made from wood and its knocking noises kept going into the house every minute. Even when the occupant of the house heard these noises, he did not go to open the door no matter how much the noises continued.
He was scared. His thoughts were that: "after so much effort for this day not to come to pass, it thus eventually happened and their blood will serve as food to the blood mongers of the night."
"But even if they will get him, they shall not get any of his family," Said the man of the house to his wife who was holding their son by his hand. He quickly hid his woman and his child behind the curtain and instructed that no matter what she heard, she must not step out for any reason and the child's safety must be her priority.
The noises on the door persisted. "Who is it?" The man yelled.
"Open the door!" Adam responded in a loud voice still banging the door.
But that did not answer the question, and the man was still reluctant to open the door.
Though he was more convinced at this moment that it was not the bloodsuckers who came to satisfy their craving from his house and his thoughts changed. He now believed that it was the thieves who came knocking on his door.
To him, the bloodsuckers only feed on blood as a priority and to exchange words with a human has been a reality he never saw or heard happen.
"Go away. We have nothing you can take." He said in a loud voice.
"It Is we, the Vam hunters," Adam answered loudly as he banged the door again.
"The Vam hunters?" He whispered to himself as he was surprised and at the same time curious about what the Vam hunters had come to his house to do.
"Are there any bloodsuckers here?" He asked loudly looking around into every dark corner inside of his home just to be sure of his safety.
"No, we just want to talk," Adam answered almost immediately.
At this moment, his wife peeped out from the curtain and he nodded at her. This meant that he was going to open the door and hear what the vam hunters had to say to them.
When he got to the door. He was still reluctant to turn the handle of the door open and he silently went back only to pick a wooden bat and if it was a trap and they were the bloodsuckers, he would paint their heads in blood.
As he slightly opened the door, no one moved or rushed against him and he witnessed Adam step backwards. "Are you the man of this house?" Adam asked.
First, the man's eyes glanced at Adam who stood before him and his right-hand fingers which did not stop caressing his scabbard and the hilt of his blade.
He also took note of the dressing and realised they were dressed in the perfect mood for battle as they wore thick coats and each man behind Adam was with their swords except for a bearded dwarf who carried his axe.
The man did not say anything more except that he only sauntered his eyes more around the street as it was his way to make sure that there were no bloodsuckers who were sprinting towards his house.
"Come in," He said in a hurry as he quickly paved their entry into his home and Adam and his men finally walked in.
He lived in a small house built with local bricks just like the rest of the people living in the west of Petra. Inside his house were the wooden table and chair at the end of the wall. There was also a fire pit whose typical essence was a device that can be used against any bloodsuckers that may find their way into his home.
"A drink?" The man gestured his hand towards the table after he placed down his bat against the wall and his wife now placed a jar of wine on the table so that they may welcome their guests.
But even though one of the weaknesses of each of the Vam hunters was wine, the force within them and their loyalty to the priestess was stronger than the wine and thus declined as they headed straight to the point.
Hearing everything Adam said, the man was thus reluctant to be willing to become one of the fighters against the bloody mobs that ruled Petra in a blood cage.
Though he was yet to give a confirmative answer, he kept on staring at his wife and his child and those in return as they stared at him.
Even at this moment, Adam and his men were still standing on their feet as they needed an answer. They would visit others of the people and they would fulfil the wishes of Kitara and battle against the vampires.
"Yes!" The man said, interrupting the silence.
His response caused Adam to look at him again, "Yes, he would join one of their fighters" He said again.
"I need to protect my wife and child from this evil of nights and if it is to fight alongside you and the witches, I will do so." He spoke further.
Though his wife did not believe what she heard and rendered her shocked immediately, there was nothing she could do to stop him. "You are walking into a death trap." She expressed in her sad tone.