62. Story of the two Women


As the old woman diced the head of the turned, Adam immediately released his hand from the axe and the old woman felt satisfaction within herself.

For her to be able to do this meant a lot to her as she had dreamt about this night for such a long time.

And at this moment, she could not help but shed her tears. She gazed at Adam and appreciated him from her heart.

But this did not mean Adam was all smiling and shy for her words to him. It only meant that he did not blink any kind of feeling of either sympathy or empathy. All that he thought about was that he helped the victim swing the axe on the bloodsucker and so he would call for another volunteer. For this is the way the mission can be a complete success.

And at this moment, he picked the hand of the old woman and helped her walk back among the women where she should rightly be.

"Who else unto you shall kill one of these bloodies?" Adam asked in a loud voice