63. Adam to East, Kitara


Kitara still watched the people and the Vam hunters. And in their temple, Kitara and the rest of the witches began to chorus a hmmm for their ritual.

Even though they puppeteered the mind of the birds and they used their sight for their vision, it did not mean the witches were not conscious of their environment.

And since they began to chorus their humming melody, it was a ritual that strengthened their bond.

Not only that, this was the beginning of another ritual that fed Kitara some energy.

Strangely, Kitara needed the energy to be able to last long in her magic and as all the witches were naturally crafted this way since their birth, it was one of the major purposes of the five redheads to be able to unite their energy and Kitara shall inject them into her body.

And in this strength, their blue iris reappeared, and the only one left in the trance was Kitara as her iris remained vanished from her eyes.