112. The Words Through Adam 


Adam was yet to say anything. He only walked slowly among the people of east Petra. Aside from the thirsty men of the west Petra, and the Vam hunters, the men of the east Petra were only fifteen men and ten women. 

And since they answered that they were all present in the whole number interpreted that they had no children among them. Yet it did not mean that Adam would not ask. 

"Where are your children?" Adam asked, looking closely at each of the men and women of east Petra. 

And immediately, a woman answered. "We stopped to reproduce, lest the bloodsuckers come and feed upon them." 

Hearing that, Adam took a sigh and shot his gaze at his men. And the Vam hunters have only gazed upon him the same way as well. 

However, it did not mean that Adam understood the look of expression of his men and neither did his men understood his.