113. Adeline at the Hands of Danger


Suddenly, Adeline and the werewolves jumped out of the portal again. As rightly felt before, the experience from the portal was that of pain and agony. 

Their body felt flushed and their bones became sort of liquid with maximum endurance. And so when they were able to come out of the portal as a result of Adeline pushing them out through her magic, they realised where they had come to thus again. 

Just like it happened before. Adeline controlled the portal and its behaviour. Even so, it did not mean that Adeline controlled the destination of the portal. And such was the laughter of the witch of the hut again, which dawned on Adeline in echoes. 

As the laughter began, Adeline was quick to determine the place the portal had brought them to. Yet she did not mention anything to the werewolves in the hope that those who attacked them earlier would be far gone by now.