Chapter 3: Let’s see who wins

We step into the gym section, and he decides to start, knowing his muscles would never let him down, as for me I knew this round is for him, and as strong as I am, I do not have the strong muscles to lift too much weight, I have more than enough to take down any sized enemy.

We decided to start off with 150 pounds, he laid down and positioned his hands on the metal tube, he then lifted it for a few seconds and dropped it. The challenge was to keep adding weight until one of us can't and whoever has added more wins.

He kept adding 20 pounds, I was waiting for him to be exhausted and stop, but he kept adding one more until he reached 285 pounds and he gave up, that was good.

"Interesting, my turn, move." I crossed my arms standing above his face waiting for him to let me take my position.

"Show me your strength cupcake."

I was down on the bench, my hands took their place on their own, standing by to unleash my power into them.

I lifted the first 150 pounds, added twenty, then twenty more, my arms started feeling numb, at 225 pounds I half lifted it and dropped it hardly.

It was obvious who won this round.

"Well, that was an easy win" He stated proudly.

"Wait until the end, this is just one round."  I'll certainly get him in the next round.

"What do you suggest for our next round?" He asked curiously.

"I'm thinking, of a light sparring match."

"I like the sound of that." He smiled not knowing he is gonna get his ass kicked.


We entered the ring, boxing gloves, and helmet on. Awkward for me to wear but not wanting to let any suspicions.

Rules are simple, whoever falls down first loses.

We stood facing each other, taking our fighting position he asked:

"Why did you choose to spar?"

"You'll find out soon" I responded as I attacked him with high force, he docked, could have the chance to fight back, but he kept dodging, and I knew he was scared to attack me, He wasn't completely sure if I was a strong enough match to him.

But after I knocked him on the ground with a kick, he asked for a rematch.

We took back our position, I knew that this time he wouldn't just dodge, he would punch.

He let me attack first, to repeat the same sequence as before, he dodges but this time he would attack when he gets the chance.

Unfortunately for him, I knew his plan, so instead of punching, I went for a low kick on the legs, and he fell.


"Oh c'mon, one more time I wasn't ready." He keeps underestimating me, big mistake.

We started again, but this time he was prepared for anything, he know I wasn't an average fighter.

He attacked first, I blocked and punch back, I could feel his stomach ache, he then dodged my attack and threw a jab, I quickly dodged down, and threw another punch on his stomach, he bent down from pain, so I get the chance to hold his head down and knee strick him in the face.

And he fell again, three times.

"Fuck, how are you that fast, how do you know how to fight?" He said after realizing I just threw a knee strike.

"Told you you'll find out soon," I smirked.

"That was badass, where did you learn how to fight?" He stood up, took a towel, and wiped his face."

"I may or may not have a boxing club"

Surprised he yelled "What?! Seriously? Cool."

"Yeah, I guess,... loser." I laugh gently.

"Oh, C'mon, I wasn't ready for that, I am not that bad I promise."


We moved on for our last round, which he chose to be: archery.

And I suck at archery, I wanted to learn it, I love the bow and the arrows and when I was little I was a fan of Merida the princess from the Brave movie, then I got attached to Katness Everdeen the female protagonist of the Hunger Games, the best series ever made, I loved how they thrive for survival, and the betrayal, the plot, amazing, but my father focused on teaching me the necessary methods for a well-trained assassin, and archery wasn't one of them. He considered it a time-wasting and quaint method of killing and preferred sword fighting instead.


 We stepped outdoor for this round, it was a gigantic court of grass with dozens of archery targets.

 He volunteered to begin first, I watched as he placed the first arrow on the bow positioned his fingers, he aimed and released.

The arrow flew, across the room and hit the inner gold ring.

Three arrows next, he got a total of 30 points. All of the three arrows inside the gold ring.

I took place, held the bow and aimed, I took a deep breath and released, the arrow hit the outer white.

He chuckled, "It seems as if you are new to this"

I glared at him, how dare he mock me, I drew another arrow, I focused hoping this one would land closer to the center.

Sadly, it didn't even hit the target, it went right past it and landed behind the target on the grass.

He had the audacity the burst into laughter.

I turned and faced him, looked him dead in the eyes "Wanna get back to the ring?"

He coughed and held back his laugh.

"Do you perhaps, want me to show you how?"

"No," I said bluntly and tried again with my last shot.

I took an arrow and positioned it, again, while focusing on my target.

I felt him closer to my body, his muscular chest on my back, his hand on my hand, "Let me show you how", he whispered in my ear.

"Your stance is a priority to shooting the bow," his fingers slid across my back and stopped inches away from my butt, "Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart," he opened his hand and fixed my posture, "And feet at 90 degrees to the target."

My stance now correct he held my hand once more.

"Keep your grip relaxed on the bow handle, and position your fingers," he moved my fingers to the correct position, his warm hand still on mine.

"Now you can draw the arrow, and aim" I drew the arrow, my focus on the gold circle in the center of the target.

"Good, now take a deep breath, hold it then release." I did as he said.

The arrow did his job and landed right where I wanted.

"You have a gift, I told you what to do and you got it right in the middle."

"You 'showed' me how." I glanced.

"I'm sorry I crossed my limits, I apologize."

He then mumbled "Not sorry"

"What did you say?" I raise an eyebrow, he chuckled.

"So your final score is 10, nice", he smiled "Guess who won the game huh?"

"Ok, you won, so what do you want?"

He smiled dangerously.

"Me, you, tomorrow all day, just us."

"You must be joking, you can ask for anything in the world right now, and you ask for a date?"

"Would you have said yes by any chance?"

"Absolutely not"

"See? Now I have a chance to take you out on a date."

"If it wasn't for this dare, you would have never seen my face again."

"I know." He marked.

"So what was your demand?"

"To never see your face here again." I responded bashfully.

"That was harsh to hear, especially after what my proposition was."

He got closer to me, "Meet me where we first bumped tomorrow at       10 am." He gave me an appointment and left.


I went home exhausted from all those tiring challenges, got into my underwear, and jumped to bed.

"You're back, finally, you never take that long where were you?"

Blyke's voice echoed through the void in my room.

"I just had a challenge to pass."

"And how did it go?"

"Good,… I guess."

I should have said unsatisfactory or unlucky since I lost, but I'm glad I lost, in a way, because it's the first time in years I felt pleased, and that's a feeling I forgot what it means until today. I have never met someone who matches my energy.

The rest of the day went by like always, boring. Deep down, I'm excited to spend a whole day with this unknown handsome guy.

How would I have ever known that a guy I don't even know his name would get me excited to see him again.

Night fell upon the sky, while I was rearranging my weapons.

Knives in the first drawer, daggers in the second. In the hidden room, I arranged my riffles and snipers on the left wall, and the handguns on the right. All the grenades are in a locked special drawer, I rarely use grenades and I lock them in to try and never use them, firstly because I hate the ringing it causes, secondly, there will definitely be lives lost and maybe innocent ones.

I keep my swords hung up on the wall horizontally, they have a special place in my heart not just in the room. I use swords when I'm in a bloodshed fight, and one of us will surely die.

I finished cleaning organizing them, and felt the need for a glass of red wine.

I sat in front of my big screen TV, on my couch I put the glass next to where I was sitting on a cup holder and watched until it was time for the sun to rise again.

I drowsed in place, while the TV was still on and the bottle of wine empty.