The news

"Papa, what do you want to discuss with me?" Beatrix asked, sitting in her dad's office.

She remembered how she used to play around with Ares here. Ares is only 3 years older than her so she had spent much of her childhood playing with him than the others.

Her father had forbidden them from entering his office after they had nearly set the place on fire.

Okay not her but Ares. They had found his lighter in the drawer and they played around with it.

A smile graced at Beatrix's lips at the memory. It was the first time her father had scolded her.

He had also grounded Ares for months taking away all his toys and accessories.

"Beatrix my dear, you know how I love you." Her father started grabbing her hands in his big warm ones.

"Yes Papa I know." Beatrix replied, a radiant smile on her face. She didn't know why he was suddenly asking her this.

"Hmm you have finished college now. What are your plans?"

Beatrix's eyes widened in shock. Was her moment of freedom finally coming? Her heart leapt excitedly in her chest. No one knew how much she had been praying for the moment her father would ask her this question after she completed college a year ago.

"Well papa, you know I studied business administration. I can help Matteo with the business."

Her father nodded. "Yeah that was the plan. I had been discussing it with your brothers."

Beatrix's eyes lit up and she fidgeted excitedly in her chair. She couldn't believe it.

"Did they agree?" She played with her fingers waiting for his reply.

"Yes Sunshine, they agreed. We were going to tell you on your birthday which is in a few days."

Beatrix nodded. She knew there was more he wasn't telling her. The way he kept avoiding her eyes and shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

Her father was never nervous unless whatever he was about to say next was hard for him.

"But-" Beatrix stared at her father waiting for him to continue.

Her father lifted his eyes from his desk and met her eyes for the first time since she entered his office.

"But what Papa? You can tell me..I-I can take it. I'm a big girl now. You can't protect me forever."

She said, forcing out a smile even though her heart was thudding in her chest. Her nerves were a mess right now but she tried her best to calm down.

Her dad wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Don Luca sighed and for the first time Beatrix realized how old her father was becoming. He had more grey hair than ever but he was still handsome and fit at the age of 65.

"We have a new enemy rising in the underworld. Actually we don't know if he is an enemy or not yet. Since no one knows who it is. But we are not as strong and powerful as we were before.

Our fight with Country's ZY mafia over the years has depleted most of our resources and theirs too and now with the rising of a new powerful mafia group we need to look out for our own interest.

I was able to pull a peaceful truce with the leader of Country's ZY mob family. We needed to put an end to the meaningless wars over the years. Since they are our number one enemy and most powerful. It's hard getting rid of them. The only way I could protect you in case war breaks out with the new force was to make this truce."

Beatrix swallowed and nodded. She had no idea why her father was suddenly involving her in something he had been shielding her from for years now.

"They suggested we join our family together if we wanted to have a peaceful truce. It will benefit all of us at the end of the day including even the business."

"And how do they want us to join our families together?" Beatrix asked confused about how these things work.

Did they want her father to adopt them or something?

Her father let out an awkward chuckle, "You're really innocent huh?"

Beatrix flushed and shrugged, "And whose fault is that?!"

Beatrix scoffed.

Her father raised his hands in surrender, "Mine."

"So how are you planning on joining the family?" Beatrix asked again, curious about all of this.

Her father stared at her for a second before he replied.

"Through marriage."

"You're getting married Papa?!" Beatrix stood up abruptly. Shock waving through her.

Her father loved her mother so much that he neither remarried after her death nor even took a mistress.

He still places flowers on her grave everyday so it was weird that he was suddenly announcing that he was getting married at his old age.

"What no. Of course I'm not! I still love your mother. I will never share my bed with another."

Beatrix breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her father. She sat down and calmed her raging heart.

"Good, because you scared me for a moment. So who is getting married? Matteo?"

Her father licked his lips and shook his head.


Beatrix frowned, "Then wh-"

Suddenly her face paled and she shook her head.

"N-no. Tell me I'm overthinking right now papa."

Her father grabbed her hand, "I'm sorry Sunshine. But you're the one."