
"What?" All that she managed to get out as she sat there in her seat.

Her mind was completely blank at the moment. She couldn't seem to be able to process his words.

"Papa," She finally managed to get out, "You can't mean that, you wouldn't." Yes her father loved her so much to let her marry some stranger and her brothers, they wouldn't ever let her do something she didn't want to.

She whispered as she looked at him for confirmation.

Beatrix wanted Ares to appear just to start laughing, and then hug her and say it's all a big joke, that the entire ordeal was just that; they were just playing a prank on her.

But she knew better. No wonder Ares had been so angry earlier and left.

Now everything made sense. Their anger in the gym room. Her father might have told them so they all knew and had agreed to it?

But why? This was so out of character unless they weren't telling her everything.

They were hiding something from her because why would they be overprotective over all these years just to marry her off because of some stupid upcoming war.

"Why-why are you doing this Papa? Don't lie to me. This isn't just about a stupid war is it?"

Her father stiffened for a second and sighed, "You're too smart for your own good, Bey. Just like your mom."

So she was right, they were hiding something more from her.

"I can't tell you Sunshine but you have to trust me on this. I'm doing this for your own good."

Beatrix yanked her hands out of her father's grip and stood up her eyes blazing with anger.

"How is marrying me to some stranger for my own good Papa?! I don't even know him or what he looks like!" She demanded hysterically.

"I'm sorry dear." Her father whispered softly.

A tear broke through the barrier of her eyelashes and rolled down her cheeks. Her father flinched as if a knife had been pierced through his heart. He averted his gaze, not able to even look at her.

"Do my brothers know?" Beatrix questioned.

"Yes they don't agree with my decision but I know this is what is best-"

Without waiting for him to finish talking, Beatrix bolted out of his office.

She strutted down the hallway, feeling stunned about what her father had just announced to her.

Beatrix headed straight for her room, shutting the door behind her.

She laid on her bed, feeling overwhelmed

by hopelessness and shock. She had mixed emotions;

She didn't know this man. He could be abusive,

aggressive, violent, loud and even worse a womanizer.

Also Rhys….she knew they were doomed from the beginning but she had hoped maybe just maybe fate would be kind to her for once.

Beatrix broke down into a sobbing mess. The thought that her father, the person she trusted the most is the one causing her this intense pain just shattered her.

She felt like he had been waiting for this moment. That's why he was so strict and overprotective over her.

He was selling her because he valued his position in the mafia more than her.

Beatrix had no idea for how long she laid down on her bed and cried and neither did she care about it.

It wasn't until the door opened and Ares ran inside that she broke away from the stare that she had formed at the ceiling.

Ares laid beside her and pulled her into his arms, rocking her back and forth gently.

'I'm so sorry,bear, I tried to stop it' he whispered to her and Beatrix believed him

Soon he started whispering soothing things to her,

attempting to calm her down.

Beatrix couldn't even process what he was saying .

At this point, she knew nothing could calm her down. Her life had been crumpled to the ground and there was nothing she could do to fix it.