The meeting

Two weeks had passed since her father had announced to her that she was going to get married to a complete stranger.

She was supposed to meet him today. But Beatrix was in no mood to be presented to a man right now.

Her relationship with her brothers had strained and with her father it was even worse.

She didn't remember speaking more than 3 words to him after he dropped the bombshell.

Her brothers had argued with him at the dining table for days now but they couldn't change his mind. The only person who had been really quiet about this whole ordeal was Matteo. It was like he knew something they all didn't.

Her mobile phone vigorously vibrated in her pocket alerting her that they were looking for her now.

Beatrix sighed out loud as she leaned her head back against the flower handle of the swings, gazing at the slightly darkening sky.

This place that her brothers had built for her was now her new favorite place in the house. She loved the quiet and the peace. Also when she was here she didn't have to worry about bumping into anyone that she didn't want to talk to.

Time always seems to pass quick here though she still couldn't believe she had spent several hours out here already.

Suddenly she felt someone push her gently, "I knew I would find you here."

Matteo's voice sounded behind her as he pushed the swing again.

"I know you're sad Bear. But meet him once okay? If you meet him and you don't want to marry him. We wouldn't force you. We will find another cure for dad."

Beatrix stiffened and a frown contorted on her face.

"What do you mean find another cure for dad? Is he sick? What cure are you talking about?"

Matteo sighed and came to stand in front of her, his hands in his pocket.

"Three months ago, dad was poisoned. We were ambushed and someone hit him with an arrow. The arrow contained a dangerous poison which acts slowly but it's very potent. You wouldn't see the effect untill it's too late.

We did some investigations and realized there is only one antidote present and it's with the Country ZY mob leader- Damien Niarchos.

We were able to talk to him and convince him to give us the antidote then we will leave his territory and men alone. We even offered him some percentage of our properties but he refused.

Somehow he knew about you and he proposed a truce through marriage. He knew how much you mean to us and if he wanted to be in control he had to have a leverage.

We know this is hard for you and I know you would never forgive yourself if something happens to dad because of you that's why I'm telling you the truth.

Don't think that he doesn't love you. This decision was difficult for all of us but I think loosing dad will be more hard for you.

We have spoken to Damien and he has promised us to take care of you. If he messes up one bit we will declare war on them and come for you. You're our little princess we wouldn't let anyone hurt you. I hope you know that."

A tear slipped from Beatrix's eyes and she nodded. Her father was slowly dying and she had no idea about it. No wonder he looked so pale and weak lately. Beatrix had thought it was his guilt eating him away.

"Where is Papa? Why didn't he tell me?" Beatrix asked, blinking away her tears away.

"Because he didn't want you to worry about it. Also I wasn't supposed to tell you this but seeing you look so sad these past few days breaks my heart."

Matteo forced out a smile and pulled her favorite candy out of his pockets.

"Here something to cheer you up."

Beatrix took it, wiped the tears away and let out a small chuckle, "Thank you Matteo."


Beatrix stared at her reflection in the mirror and swallowed the lump in her throat. In a few minutes she was going to meet her betrothed. To say she was nervous was far-fetched.

Her dress was a simple black tea length dress with pockets and a decorative bow on the straps.

The black dress was fitted at the bust, the neckline revealing only an appropriate amount of


She turned around when she heard a slight knock on her door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal her father. He looked so broken, so dejected and crushed that Beatrix felt a pang in her heart.

His shoulders were slumped in defeat, his entire body tensed and stiffened and his fists clenched.

That however wasn't the worst part, the worst part was how he was trying to be strong and not give away the amount of pain he felt but Beatrix could see it.

He cleared his throat, "You look beautiful."

Beatrix flushed slightly and ran into her father's arms.

"Thank you Papa." She felt her father stiffened for a second before he hugged her back. She knew he was probably surprised that she was finally warming up to him.

"Are you ready?"

Beatrix took a deep breath and nodded,"Yes."

Twenty minutes later they arrived at the restaurant that they were meeting Damien. They had been waiting for half an hour now but there was no sign of him.

Beatrix was hoping that maybe he had changed his mind and decided not to show up. But knowing how much this marriage alliance meant to her father she hoped he would at least show up and if he sees how ugly she looks he will give up the whole marriage idea.

Her brothers and father were by her side but that did nothing better to calm her raging nerves.

"So do you know this Damien guy?" She whispered to Ares who was sitting on her right.

Ares nodded, "Yeah I hate to admit it but he is really a great guy. He might have his flaws as the leader of one of the most powerful mafias but he is good at what he does."

Now Beatrix was curious about this Damien guy because it was rare for Ares to praise someone other than himself.

Suddenly the door of the private room opened and Beatrix's heart jumped in her chest. One of the bodyguards came to whisper something in her father's ears and she saw him nodded.

The bodyguard left and then someone entered again.

The tension in the room skyrocketed as a cold voice echoed behind Beatrix.

"I apologize for being late."

A/N: Ready to meet our second male lead?^^

Team Rhys/Team Damien hahaha. I know you have fallen in love with Rhys already and might be confused but this plot means so much to me I hope at the end of the day we all see the big picture.

—This isn't a fairytale ^^