Don’t remember

"Beatrix Quinn you finally remembered that you have a bestfriend!" 

Beatrix could almost imagine her best friend frown at her and stick out her bottom lip like a kid.

"I am so sorry Stella, I uh-... " She could't come up with an excuse as she ran a hand down her face.

"My brother said he was keeping you busy with work so I didn't want to bother you. You know how much I hate bothering someone."

"It's okay Bee, I am just messing with you," She hummed out and Beatrix sighed in relief, glad she wasn't angry at her. 

The last time that had happened, she had ended up not talking to mher for three days before she finally gave in, unable to resist her best friend's company.

"So tell me what's up? How is everything with

you? I threatened your brother that I will beat his ass if something happened to you. You should have seen the horror on his face." 

Stella chuckled.