Twisted Game

"I-Yes. We met, how can I forget." Beatrix stuttered. 

A glint passed through his eyes but it quickly disappeared.

He nodded at her and lifted his hand up for a handshake. 

Her face suddenly seemed to turn crimson red. Her hand met his and she felt self-conscious as she realized that her palms were sweaty. The handshake was precise and short and he released her hand almost instantly. 

He turned to look at Damien,"Since she is having bad cramps I think we should skip on the dinner. I'm tired too. Maybe you can prepare us something. What do you think, Beatrix?"

Beatrix blinked and forced out a smile, "I think that would be perfect."

Damien pressed a kiss on her cheeks, "Alright. You can rest while I cook dinner. I will call you when I'm done."

Beatrix avoided Rhys' eyes at all cost. Guilt was eating her alive. She needed a space to clear her head.

