Confession 101

"I kissed your brother…" Beatrix trailed off, her head was lowered as she fiddled with her fingers. She couldn't look at Damien in the eyes. 

She couldn't bear to see the pain and hurt in the only person who had treated her so good. Who had made her feel so happy these past few weeks. She just couldn't. She felt awful admitting it because deep down she knew she enjoyed that kiss with Rhys.

She waited for him to say something but dead silence greeted her. 

Beatrix felt sick, the hollow space inside of her only made the pain crashing around inside her echo louder.

Who knew silence could be so violent, she couldn't even look at him without feeling her throat swell so tightly she choked, "P-please say something…" she pleaded.

"I'm sorry Damien….it's just I met him one year ago and I had no idea who he was. We flirted and kissed and went out for a date….but it was only one day…I never saw him again.