Confession 102

Beatrix wiped the tears from her eyes and chuckled, "I don't know Damien…..if you knew I had been with your brother why did you invite him back into our lives? Do you brothers enjoy playing games with my emotions?!"

Damien shook his head, "No, No I will never play games with you. I-I found out from his therapist that he was getting worse.

He kept talking about you. I realize that he never forgot you. Sleeping around was his way to forget you. So…I-I "

He grabbed his head in frustration.

"You what Damien?"

Damien closed his eyes and sighed, "I was going to reunite you two. That's why I'm leaving. I love my brother Beatrix. If being with you will make him happy…"

"So you were going to abandoned me with him?! What about me Damien? Did you stop to think that maybe I want you and not him?!"

So he wasn't really planning on visiting her every week, or planned on FaceTiming her. He was going to disappear like Rhys did to her.