Blood Oath

"We have suffered a lot of casualties from their attacks and have lost many men and ships." Xavier added.

Her father frowned, "And you didn't inform us or ask us for help because..?" He said sternly.

Xavier swallowed, "Well—I—"

Matteo sighed, "We may not like you Americans but that doesn't mean we will sit back and watch you suffer alone.

 We are bonded by marriage alliance remember? My sister is within your care and you think we were going to let some stupid people make her life miserable?"

Beatrix's eyes widened with shock. She thought they were going to get excited that Damien was sick in the hospital and demanded her to go home back with them.

"At least tell me you have gotten revenge on those stinky Russians. I fucking hate their guts. They dare to harm our future brother-in-law?"

Remo clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with rage.