
Damien looked at his brother, Rhys, who was seated in a chair next to his hospital bed. Rhys looked terrible, with dark circles under his eyes and a haggard expression on his face. 

Damien knew that Rhys had been struggling to sleep since he had been hospitalized.

"Hey, bro," Damien said softly, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. "How are you holding up?"

Rhys let out a deep sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "I've been better," he said. "It's just hard seeing you like this, you know? I feel helpless."

Damien reached out and gave Rhys's hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know it's tough, but try not to worry too much. The doctors are doing everything they can to make me better, and I'm going to be okay."

Rhys nodded, but Damien could see the doubt and concern in his eyes. "I know you're trying to be strong for me," Rhys said. "But I can't help feeling guilty. I wish I can do more for you."