
The car glided smoothly down the winding road, the engine purring as Remo expertly navigated the twists and turns. In the back seat, Beatrix and Damien sat silently, lost in their own thoughts.

Beatrix stared out the window, her eyes fixed on the passing scenery. She was deep in thought, her mind racing with worries and doubts. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that something was missing. 

Damien was suddenly cold to her as if he had built a high wall around him and she couldn't get to him.

She had tried to make light conversation when the car had started but his one syllable answers had thrown her off.

Clearly he didn't want to talk to her and he seemed to be annoyed with her. 

Beatrix fiddled with her fingers, she was afraid that she had done something to anger him or she had done something bad without even realizing it.