
Remo gently lifted Beatrix's foot and examined the wound. It was a deep cut, but not too wide. He quickly fetched a first aid kit and sat down next to her. 

Using tweezers, he carefully removed any bits of glass or mirror that were still embedded in the wound.

 He then cleaned it thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide and covered it with a sterile bandage. 

Beatrix winced in pain as Remo worked.

"Sorry, I will finish soon." He coaxed softly.

Beatrix closed her eyes and nodded, "O-okay."

"You should have let me kill him, I don't even know what you see in that fucking bastard. If it was his looks now he is ugly as fuck. I will find you a better guy."

Remo spat bitterly. Beatrix knew that he was still angry with Damien.

"Calm down, Remo," Beatrix said, trying to diffuse the tension. "I know you don't understand, but Damien and I have a special connection. He may not be perfect, but he's the one I love."