
Damien glared at her, "Do you really think you'll get away after killing her?!" Damien challenged.

Alina shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But at least you will still be lonely and miserable and I think I can die in peace knowing that." Alina shrugged.

"Fuck you!" Damien growled in anger. "I will haunt you in the afterlife if you fucking kill her."

But Alina ignored Damien. Her smirk pulled up her lips as she played with Beatrix's hair. Nerves fluttered in her chest.

"What about I kill you first, then Damien and after that I kill myself? We all can have fun in the afterlife. We are all sinners I'm sure we could have lots of crazy fun with the devil" Alina sneered.

"No!" Beatrix cried out. "Don't do this Alina, I'm begging you."

Tears were once more trickling down her cheeks and she looked at Damien as she spoke, taking in as much of him as she could.