
The sight of her falling and bleeding on the ground was the most terrifying thing Damien had ever witnessed. His heart ceased to beat and he struggled to breathe, feeling as though the air had been forcefully taken from his lungs.

He couldn't process what was happening around him. His hands shook as he touched Beatrix's arm and gazed upon her motionless body. Damien realized that she had been attempting to shield him from harm.

"N-no," Damien whispered. "S-somebody, please help her." 

Xavier rushed towards him, and he snapped his head toward him. Xavier stared at Beatrix, shock and disbelief skating all over his face.

Damien grabbed his arm. "Please, s-save her!" He stuttered. 

He looks at Damien with sympathy in his eyes. 

"I called an ambulance and they will be here soon."

"Xavier," he cried, shaking his shoulder.