Wet dream

They were already settled in the plane. As it already flew up in the air and shaking was felt, Beatrix instinctively clung on to her older brother's arm for calm. 

Seeing as to how Beatrix acted this way, he internally laughed at the thought that no matter the age, they really see her as their little sister forever that is in need of their protection. 

And it will always and forever be that way. 

"Don't worry, Beatrix," Matteo said, patting her hand to comfort her. "I'm here for you… always."

"Thank you," Beatrix mouthed, already calming down with the help of her older brother. 

As the plane already was steady flying bound to their home, the passengers sighed as the shaking already ended. 

Beatrix' father sat near the window, then next to him in the middle was Beatrix, then Matteo. Matteo then called the stewardess and asked for a bottle of water for Beatrix to drink.