First gift

Ever since Beatrix came back from her comfort room trip, she was silent the whole way going back home. Matteo thinking it's just her tired from the trip, he ignored it as he also believed that she is anxious to go home--seeing her other older brothers. 

The moment they arrived at the airport, their father's secretary came to pick them up with the car. As they drove going back home, Matteo looked at his younger sister from the corner of his eye and talked to her. 

"We're almost home. Are you alright?"

"Yes," Beatrix said, biting the nail of her thumb. With her dreaming about Damien and Rhys, in such type of dream as well… she obviously could not bring them out of her mind. 

"Excited to meet your other brothers?"

"Of course," Beatrix answered almost immediately, turning her head to look at Matteo. 

"That's good. As you rest and recover, you'll definitely have fun with us."