
Beatrix nervously fidgeted with her phone as she worked up the courage to call Rhys. They hadn't spoken in what felt like ages, and she missed him terribly. She took a deep breath and pressed the call button.

As the phone rang, Beatrix felt her heart pounding in her chest.She wondered if Rhys would even answer. But after a few rings, he did.

"Hey, Rhys," she said, her voice warm but guarded.

"Hey, love ," Rhys said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I know we haven't talked in a while, but I wanted to say something."

Beatrix was silent on the other end of the line, waiting for Rhys to continue.

"I miss you," he said, his voice catching. "I miss talking to you and laughing with you and just being around you. And, uh, I just realized that I never ever asked you this but I was wondering if you would maybe want to be my girlfriend?"

There was a pause on the other side and Beatriz's lips curled up into a smile. Silly.