Date night

Stella and Beatrix stood in front of Beatrix's closet, sifting through hangers of clothing. Beatrix was nervous about her upcoming date with Rhys, and she wanted to make sure she looked her best.

Stella held up a bright red dress. "What about this one?" she asked, eyeing Beatrix's reaction.

Beatrix looked at the dress skeptically. "I don't know," she said. "It's a little too bold, don't you think?"

Stella nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's try something else," she said. She scanned the closet again before pulling out a sleek black dress. "How about this one?"

Beatrix held up the dress to her body and looked in the mirror. "Hmm, it's nice," she said. "But maybe a little too formal for a casual dinner date."

Stella nodded again. "I see your point," she said. "Let's keep looking."

They continued to shuffle through the clothes until Beatrix finally pulled out a simple white dress. Stella's eyes lit up. "That's perfect!" she exclaimed.