Meet again

Beatrix stood near the large window in the elegant drawing room of her mansion, her eyes fixed on Rhys standing by the gate. Her heart ached as she watched him, his figure filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability. The sight of him stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her.

Unbeknownst to Rhys, Beatrix had been observing his every move since he arrived. She had instructed the guards to bring him to her attention, wanting to catch a glimpse of the man who had once held her heart so tightly.

As she watched him, her eyes filled with tears. Rhys's presence reminded her of the love they had shared, the beautiful moments they had experienced together. But it also brought back the pain and hurt that had torn them apart.

She knew that she had shut him out, refused to see him despite his plea. It wasn't an easy decision for her, but the wounds were still fresh, the scars too deep. The fear of being hurt again had outweighed her longing to see him.